Meet some of our summer 2022 interns

Waymo has welcomed interns for years at our offices in the US and UK to join us in contributing their expertise to further developing our autonomous driving system and helping us scale our business. While their backgrounds vary greatly, each and every one of our awesome interns brings unique perspectives, a desire to tackle challenging problems, and an interest in improving the world’s access to mobility.

Today marks National Intern Day, and there’s no better way to celebrate our interns than by sharing how some of them got here, what they’ve learned so far, and what they hope to take away from the experience. Interested in being part of Waymo’s 2023 internship cohort? Keep your eyes on our Careers page this fall!

Meet DavisWhat sparked your interest in interning at Waymo?“I’ve had an interest in autonomous systems since high school and this only grew throughout my education. Additionally, I always dreamed of working at Google one day. I knew about Waymo from when it was called Google’s Self-Driving Car Project and Waymo definitely meets both my deep interest and company culture goals.”

Meet JonathanTalk to us about your journey to Waymo.“I had done some previous work with autonomous systems generally (UAVs, satellite test equipment, and toy robots), but working around self-driving cars was something I always wanted to experience. It seemed like a much more challenging and complex problem than anything I had worked on before. When a former graduate of my research group mentioned that Waymo was looking for summer interns, I applied right away since I wanted to take advantage of this opportunity.”

Meet LauraWhat’s your experience been like so far this summer?“My experience at Waymo has been really exciting. I’ve loved working on such a big project as compared to grad school, learning from and collaborating with my hosts, and seeing all the powerful tooling and infrastructure that supports the team. I’ve also gotten to ride in the Waymo vehicles a number of times, which is even more interesting when you know a little more about the behind-the-scenes.”
Meet JackWhat’s it been like working alongside others on the Waymo team?“It’s been amazing so far! Everyone is very super supportive and down to earth. One thing I appreciate the most is that everyone is willing to help me when I have questions or encounter roadblocks even though they all have a busy schedule. The level of support I have received as an intern is immersive.”

Meet MilesWhat’s it been like working at Waymo so far?“A pleasure. Humbling. The simulation team is full of brilliant, friendly people, all willing to impart their wisdom onto you and to lend you a hand whenever you need it. Since day one I’ve been treated like a fellow full time engineer, and it has really boosted my confidence when pursuing difficult tasks.”

Meet PrajnaHow has the internship experience matched your initial expectations?“I wasn’t entirely sure what I should expect from the internship before I started but generally knowing the work that my team did, I was excited to understand the significance of simulation in training and evaluating the Waymo Driver and how that translates to other complex systems. I would also say the people at Waymo, across teams, that have helped me learn more about all this has been a pleasant addition.”

Meet RicardoWhat do you hope to take away from the experience?“I hope I can use my statistics and computing skills to help make autonomous vehicles commonplace. I also hope that, in the process, I can improve my technical, communication, and workflow management skills.”
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