@Nissan: 2022/08/02 Nissan launches sustainable finance framework to fund electric vehicle and sustainable tec…000814


YOKOHAMA, Japan – Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. is launching a sustainable finance framework to help fund its next-generation electrified vehicles, batteries, environmental technologies, and new mobility services.
Proceeds from the Nissan Sustainable Finance Framework will also be used to support projects in Nissan’s use of renewable energy, clean manufacturing systems, EV re-charging infrastructure, battery re-use, and autonomous-drive technologies.
The Nissan Sustainable Finance Framework will enable Nissan to raise funds needed to further enhance its sustainability efforts. This initiative underlines Nissan’s commitment to promoting sustainability and strengthening efforts to realize a cleaner, safer, and more inclusive world.
Nissan has published the eligibility criteria for business areas and technology projects to receive proceeds under the Sustainable Finance Framework, which follows a review of the initiative by Sustainalytics, the independent research firm focused on environmental, social and governance (ESG). According to Sustainalytics, Nissan’s framework is aligned with the Green Bond Principle 2021, Social Bond Principle 2021, Sustainability Bond Guideline 2021, Green Loan Principle 2021, and Social Loan Principle 2021.
The launch of the Nissan Sustainable Finance Framework is the latest initiative to position sustainability at the core of the company’s business, reflecting Nissan’s corporate purpose of “Driving innovation to enrich people’s lives.”
Nissan continues to grow as a company through global business activities while contributing to solving various issues facing society. In doing so, Nissan continues to provide value to stakeholders and support the development of a sustainable society.

Further information on the Nissan Sustainable Finance Framework here.https://www.nissan-global.com/EN/IR/STOCK/SUSTAINABLE_FINANCE/

Second party opinion from Sustainalytics here.https://mstar-sustops-cdn-mainwebsite-s3.s3.amazonaws.com/docs/default-source/spos/nissan-and-nissan-sales-finance-affiliates-sustainable-finance-framework-second-party-opinion-(2022).pdf?sfvrsn=85d89253_1

Use of Proceeds
Eligible Criteria for Nissan

Eligible green categories
Eligibility criteria

Green projects

Clean transportation
Vehicles and components of zero-emission vehicles (EVs, etc.)

Scope 1 and 2 CO2 emissions reduction
Investment in renewable energy and purchase of renewable energy

Improving energy efficiency in the manufacturing process

Clean Manufacturing
Sustainable water and wastewater management

Waste management and circular economy

Sustainability (green/social) projects

Installation of basic infrastructure for the creation of an EV society
Promote charging facilities, reuse, recycling, etc. of zero-emission vehicles (EVs, etc.)

Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X)
Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) /Use of EV batteries as an energy storage system (ESS)

Autonomous driving technologies(including advanced safety / driver-assistance technologies)
Autonomous driving technologies for the realization of cleaner, safer and more sustainable mobility

Mobility as a Service (MaaS)
Clean Mobility as a Service (MaaS) using zero-emission and low carbon vehicles

Mobility as a Service (MaaS) operated in depopulated areas / impacted by natural disasters (Namie, Blue Switch)

Eligible Criteria for Nissan Sales Finance affiliates

Eligible green categories
Eligibility criteria

Green receivables

Clean transportation
Zero-emission vehicles (EVs, etc.) and Low carbon vehicles (HEVs, etc.)

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