OPTX Expands to International Business, Welcoming Gaming Tech Expert as V.P. of Sales Canada

LAS VEGAS, Aug. 2, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Leading gaming tech company OPTX has welcomed Vice President of Sales JP Symeonidis, officially expanding the company into Canada.

“Considering the success OPTX has had across the states, the decision to expand to Canada was a no-brainer,” Brooke Fiumara, co-CEO of OPTX, shared. “JP is the perfect puzzle piece fit for V.P. of Sales in Canada. His lengthy resume is only outweighed by the connections he has forged during his time in the gaming tech industry.” The award-winning gaming tech company is proud to welcome JP Symeonidis, who will work directly out of the province of Quebec.

Boasting nineteen years of sales experience, sixteen of which have been in the gaming tech space, Symeonidis is a seasoned professional in the industry. His prior accolades include working as the Director of Sales for Amaya and promoting the company’s products around the globe, spanning across Canada, the Caribbean, and countries in both Western and Eastern Europe. At Amaya, he also helped acquire a 4.9-billion-dollar business within five years. Since then, he held a position he still regards highly at Scientific Games – but the pandemic put a premature end to his time there as Canada’s economy shut down. 

Symeonidis expressed his enthusiasm in joining OPTX, emphasizing his draw to the role. To him, this role is about more than just business. “I’m always there for my customers; I’m very customer driven. After sixteen years in the business, my customers are more like friends.” Additional motivation for him to join OPTX stemmed from the innerworkings of the company itself. “I love the forward-thinking and innovative nature of OPTX. The company’s focus on its product from an operational mindset to better the functionality in casinos aligns with my personal mission to streamline and optimize an industry that serves as an entertainment haven for so many,” he said.

He looks forward to making OPTX shine in Canada. For more information about OPTX or to schedule a demo, go to www.OPTX.com.

OPTX was founded in mid-2019 by former casino executives that believe only through the union of operations, people and technology can impactful results be achieved. The OPTX solution is designed from the ground up to simplify complex processes and improve operational efficiency. As an enterprise technology solution for casino operators, OPTX gathers the meaningful player data from multiple source systems, cleanses it and then presents it in an understandably clear way. For more information about OPTX go to www.OPTX.com.


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