Readout of Deputy Attorney General Lisa O. Monaco’s Trip to South Carolina

Deputy Attorney General (Deputy AG) Lisa O. Monaco traveled to South Carolina this week to see firsthand how the Justice Department is working with local communities to protect public safety.

The Deputy AG attended two National Night Out events on Tuesday evening in Charleston and North Charleston, South Carolina. Joined by U.S. Attorney Adair Ford Boroughs of the District of South Carolina, the Deputy AG talked with law enforcement officers from the Charleston Police Department (CPD) and the North Charleston Police Department (NCPD), as well as local residents working to strengthen partnerships throughout both communities. 

She also spoke with CPD Deputy Chief Chito Walker and NCPD Chief Reggie Burgess about their agencies’ participation in the Justice Department’s National Public Safety Partnership National Public Safety Partnership program, which promotes public safety by providing participating communities with specialized law enforcement expertise and resources. Deputy AG Monaco thanked both departments for their partnership. 

On Wednesday, the Deputy AG met in Charleston with members of the U.S. Attorney’s Office from across the District of South Carolina. She received a briefing from U.S. Attorney Ford Boroughs and her leadership team and hosted an “all-hands” meeting with the office’s prosecutors and professional staff to thank them for their work. The Deputy AG also convened a meeting with the heads of federal law enforcement agencies in South Carolina to discuss public safety issues, including violent crime and domestic terrorism.

Finally, the Deputy AG visited Mother Emanuel AME Church to pay her respects to the Emanuel Nine and survivors of the 2015 mass shooting.

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