Phasing out 2G/3G – impact on the car industry

The Norwegian authorities and telecom operators have decided to shut down the 2G network during 2025. BIL is asking the authorities to wait with the shutdown.

The car industry is one of several industries affected by the authority’s decision, because the old 2G/3G technology i.a. is an EU requirement in connection with automatic emergency calls, “eCall”.

The 3G network has already been phased out in Norway, and the authorities have announced that the 2G network will be closed in 2025. A closure will cause digital services that are not 4G compatible to lose functionality. The problem will apply to eCall and other communication from cars, but could also affect everything from security alarms and older mobile phones, to remotely controlled heating of cabins, etc. A shutdown of the 2G network is therefore not just a problem for cars.

For the car industry, the closure may mean that apps, such as car pre-heating, do not work when the 2G network goes down. Other services in the car that communicate with servers may also be affected.

The Car Transporters’ National Association (BIL) asks the authorities and telecommunications operators to postpone the closure. The National Association of Car Transporters is on behalf of the industry in dialogue with the authorities to make visible how such a shutdown could affect Norwegian car owners. The National Communications Authority (Nkom) has been duly made aware of the problem.

The situation is the same throughout the EU, and the car industry in the EU is working for a general postponement of approx. 15 years, which the Norwegian car industry supports.

We cannot be sure that we will be successful – and postponed the closure. Therefore, we now encourage our members to inform partners on the dealer side that switching off the 2G network may also affect used cars that are available via brand dealers.

Customers should be aware that Norwegian telecommunications operators have decided to phase out both the 3G and 2G networks and that this affects the functionality of connected services on cars that are not 4G compatible. The dealers can provide more information about how the 2G/3G phase-out may affect the individual car.

Note that the vast majority of the latest cars on the market are 4G compatible, and these are not affected by this problem.


Which functions are affected when the 2G network is closed?

The car itself will function completely independently of this problem. It is online services that are affected. As a general rule, navigation and maps can still be used even if the 2G network goes out.

I am considering buying a car that will lose functionality when the 2G network is shut down in 2025, is that unwise?

The car itself is not affected by a shutdown, and for the vast majority of cases it is, for example, fully possible to use navigation also after 2025. But you must be aware that online services are affected.

Are there no adapter solutions, such as could be bought when DAB was introduced?

The various manufacturers must answer this themselves, but so far we have not received any indications that this will be readily available.

I have bought a car which now turns out not to be 4G compatible. Whose responsibility is it to solve this case?

This is the responsibility of the authorities and telecom operators. We hope there is room to postpone the shutdown of the 2G network, precisely because the authorities’ decision affects so many. The authorities have been duly informed of this, and we have reason to believe that many other industries and players share the car industry’s desire for a postponement.

Ultimately, this is the authority’s decision and responsibility, and we hope that they give due consideration to everyone affected by this case.

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