The FIA ​​Region I presents the road safety campaign Drive with the heart


16 September 2022 – The FIA ​​Region I launches the road safety campaign Drive with the heart today. The campaign invites road users to respect each other, observing the rules, such as speed limits, traffic lights, right of way.

By applying the “Safe System”, All road users share the responsibility to prevent accidents. In the face of an ever-increasing variety of means of road transport, compliance with the rules becomes even more crucial to ensure greater safety for everyone.

With the “Drive with the heart” campaign, the FIA ​​Region I and its members (101 Mobility Clubs,

representing more than 36 million members, in Europe, the Middle East and Africa) aim to

promote safer behavior on the road, whatever the means used.

“To ensure safe travel, all road users – drivers, cyclists or pedestrians – must respect each other and be responsible,” said Laurianne Krid, Director General of the FIA ​​Region I.

“Each of us – emphasized Krid – plays an important role in road traffic, albeit in different ways. This year’s campaign invites respect, empathy and putting yourself in the shoes of other road users when we are in the middle of traffic “.

Improving road safety is one of the main advocacy areas of the FIA ​​and its Region I. The Drive with the Heart campaign has been translated into 23 languages ​​and will be conducted in 21 countries in Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

The FIA ​​Region I campaign is supported by grants from the FIA ​​Road Safety Grant.


Lisandra Fesalbo Head of

FIA Region I

Founded in 1904, the Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA) brings together the leading national automotive organizations from 146 countries and is the governing body of motorsport worldwide.

The Brussels-based FIA Region I is a consumer protection body representing 101 mobility clubs and their 36 million members across Europe, Middle

East and Africa.

The FIA ​​Region I aims to:

effectively represent the interests of member clubs in Europe to the institutions of the European Union: with regard, for example, to road safety, consumer protection, environmental protection and the promotion of sustainable motoring;
create links and foster the exchange of best practices among member clubs across Europe, Africa and the Middle East;
to engage together with the Automobile Clubs of the whole Region in new campaigns, such as, for example, “FIA Action for Road Safety”.

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