CoachMePlus and TIAG Selected to Provide the Warrior Performance Platform (WP2) to the United States Army Delivering State-of-the-Art Holistic Health and Fitness Management Technology for More Than 9,000 Soldiers

Warrior Performance Platform (WP2) Helps Operationalize the Army’s H2FMS Program, Enabling Holistic Understanding of Soldiers’ Health and Fitness Readiness on a Sleep, Nutrition, Mental and Spiritual Level

BUFFALO, N.Y. , Sept. 20, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — CoachMePlus, the only enterprise-level and flexible digital fitness platform that helps coaches work with athletes to achieve their fitness goals, announced today the United States Army Applications Laboratory (AAL) has selected the Warrior Performance Platform (WP2™) to participate in the Army’s Holistic Health & Fitness (H2F) Management System (H2FMS) pilot, where it will be tested with the help of 9,000 Soldiers at three separate sites.

“This is a huge undertaking — maybe the biggest human performance experiment in history,” said MAJ Nick Rinaldi, AAL’s H2FMS project manager. “We owe this type of holistic look at health and performance to the Soldiers whose lives can literally depend on us.”

CoachMePlus has developed the United States’ leading athlete data management and human performance optimization platform that has been deployed in all major professional sports leagues in the US and all branches of the military. In conjunction with TIAG, an innovative technology services provider with more than 20 years of experience supporting Department of Defense (DoD) information technology and military medicine initiatives, the commercial CoachMePlus technology has been purpose-built for the DoD as WP2.

One of the fundamental challenges facing the Army is ensuring human performance data can be shared for analysis and to ensure it follows the Soldier across duty stations and their career, instead of having to create a new baseline at each duty station.

H2FMS seeks a digital interface connecting individual Soldiers with the Army’s “Data Fabric” incorporating all five Army Holistic Health & Fitness (H2F) holistic health domains to better address Soldier readiness and well-being. The solution has to be available on mobile and web, and able to record performance using manual input and wearable sensors, with the ability to extract data from a wide range of existing AMS systems. In addition, the data needs to be accessible for manual analysis and export into spreadsheet formats, amongst other tasks. Ultimately, the Army is interested in generating readiness, which starts with understanding and improving the performance of the people needed to accomplish the mission.

CoachMePlus WP2 addresses all elements required by H2FMS, with a commercial athlete management system (AMS) that overcomes the absence of the necessary information to produce a full analysis of all aspects of soldiers’ states of readiness including triggers, connections and dashboards for soldiers and leaders to communicate and develop live adjustments to training, nutrition, sleep, mental and spiritual health.

“The Army wants to address the holistic health and fitness of its troops, more than simply understanding their traditional physical readiness. As a platform, WP2 is the only operational tool that can immediately scale to address large scale populations through configurable automation to provide the necessary connection between athletes and coaches, which is fundamental to assessing and enhancing performance,” said Kevin Dawidowicz, Co-Founder and President of CoachMePlus.

The Army will deploy the WP2 platform across three populations of infantry, medical training, and Military Intelligence teams, in order to gain a working technological demonstration of the digital interface that is collecting data and programming from across all five H2F domains. AAL matched three highly successful human performance analytics companies with three distinctly different Army units to find the “best-in-breed” data management platforms. CoachMePlus, alongside two other companies, will apply their backgrounds in human performance and data management to deliver a platform that individual Soldiers, leaders, and performance specialists can use to track and empirically improve Soldier-performance. The three companies were selected from more than 60 applicants.

“Behavior change comes when the support systems and culture are in place to help Soldiers reach their potential, and technology alone cannot do that. An active two-way assessment and input program that enables the communication between practitioners and Soldiers is how the Army will improve its operational readiness,” continued Dawidowicz.

WP2 is a platform that enables the assessment of not only physical and nutritional aspects of an athlete’s readiness but factors that include learning management, education, community competition, and support.

“Too often the focus on physical performance overshadows the equally important aspects of sleep, nutrition, mental, and spiritual readiness,” Rinaldi said. “We want to focus on the whole person, and see what we can learn about how to help that person and their leaders influence overall well-being.”

After the six-month pilot, the Army will select one of the three companies for additional investment and development of the technology. H2FMS is a Phase II Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) initiative. SBIR — sometimes called “America’s seed fund,” is a U.S. government program to stimulate the growth of small American businesses and technological innovation.

The CoachMePlus AMS is a mature, widely deployed technology platform capable of supporting all five H2F domains out of the box. The platform is built for Amazon Web Services to support simple scaling for enterprise use and is trusted to secure the sensitive human performance data of the most prominent athletes and professional and collegiate teams in the United States. CoachMePlus provides a fully integrated suite of human performance management tools configurable to support the collection, display, and analysis of endless combinations of manual, automated, objective, and subjective input.

To learn more about CoachMePlus and the Warrior Performance Platform – WP2™, please visit: and

About CoachMePlus

CoachMePlus is fueling the “Omnichannel Fitness” market, leveraging workout-tracking, wellness monitoring, wearable technologies integrations, and a full suite of testing and reporting tools to monitor key indicators of health, ability, and performance. The platform advances proactive performance management from training through deployment. The CoachMePlus performance-optimization solution that underpins remote and in-person fitness fuses data analytics, telemedicine, and cutting-edge health IT solutions with decades of insights from working with US military communities and every professional sports league in America.

About CoachMePlus and the Warrior Performance Platform (WP2™)

Leveraging workout tracking, wellness monitoring, wearable technologies integrations, and a full suite of testing and reporting tools, WP2™ monitors key indicators of a warrior’s health, ability, performance, and readiness. Advancing proactive performance management from training through deployment, WP2™ integrates the CoachMePlus performance-optimization solution used by major teams across the NFL, NHL, MLB, NBA, NCAA, MLS, CFL, and military. WP2™ also fuses demonstrated expertise in data analytics, telemedicine, and cutting-edge health IT solutions with decades of lessons learned within military communities and professional sports arenas.

About the Army Applications Laboratory

We don’t make things — we make things possible. The Army Applications Laboratory (AAL) is Army Futures Command’s innovation unit and a partner for industry, the Army, and government organizations. We discover practices and processes to speed capability development and turn cutting-edge ideas into real, relevant solutions for Soldiers. Learn how we do it at

About TIAG®

Headquartered in the Washington, D.C. area with regional offices in Seattle, Wash., and Huntsville, Ala., TIAG® is an innovative technology company providing strategic, transformational solutions to private industry and across the Department of Defense. ISO 9001:2015 certified and appraised at Maturity Level 3 of the Capability Maturity Model® Integration (CMMI) for Services, TIAG takes pride in its people, processes, and successes in advancing customer missions. Our extensive services portfolio delivers focused expertise and support ranging from complex, enterprise-wide solutions to stand-alone custom projects.

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