Study by showed who watches online slots streams

TORONTO, Sept. 28, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — The results of a recent study carried out by surprised even the experts. Before, it was considered that most often people with less “serious” professions, who have plenty of free time, watch streams. Actually, everything is absolutely different.

In the study, 14 streamers took part that interviewed 25,000 viewers. The study was conducted during March 1, 2022September 1, 2022.

The survey data demonstrated that 58% of streams viewers are women, while men took the remaining 42%. Before that, men were believed to prevail in the audience. An interesting fact is that 67% of viewers have a “technical” profession, and the humanities accounted for only 33%. The research also revealed that the greatest share of the viewers watches streams in the evening rather than during the day.

Robert Lewis, an expert, who analyzed the data of the study, has his own opinion on the results. He says that it can be explained by the fact that people of “technical” professions are willing to relax after the business day is over and switch their attention to something less serious.

“It was even more surprising for us to find out that viewers like doctors, educators, lawyers, and engineers follow the broadcasts much more often,” said Robert. “And people practicing “creative” professions, including musicians, artists, photographers, and the like, hardly watch any streaming sessions.” is a gaming site combined with analytics, unbiased and independent reviews of online casinos in Canada. The service has been operating since 2017 and holds a leading position in the gambling area. The team includes 11 professionals: they conduct research, create impartial and 100% reliable reviews on everything related to the world of gambling.

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