Mirafiori towing the electric locomotive: if Stellantis brakes, Turin produces 30% more cars thanks to the 500Bev

Semiconductors, components and supplies. Here are the three responsible for the national braking for the car production of Stellantis. A -2.4% that certainly does not cheer up, but that finds in Turin and its automotive hub an obvious counterpoint: according to the data released by Fim-Cisl, in fact, in the first nine months of 2022 70,340 left the production lines cars against 54,290 in the same period of 2021, for an increase of almost 30% (+ 29.6% to be precise).

Towing the electric locomotive

As has already happened in the past, therefore, the spark that ignites the Turin production fire is once again the 500 Bev, which is now assembled in two shifts in Mirafiori and which with its 55,340 units has outclassed the figures of 2021, when it stopped to 38,830. A growth of 45% which suggests, by the end of the year, that it will be able to exceed 70 thousand units. A “specific weight” equal to 80% of everything that is done in Turin by the former Fiat. The rest? About 15 thousand cars between Maserati Levante, Ghibli and Quattroporte. A level substantially equal to the previous year, despite some slowdowns due to the “move” from Grugliasco.

From 2024, Maserati’s new electric platform – renamed “Folgore” – will be operational and therefore the production of this brand should find further impetus. Meanwhile, as said by Fim-Cisl, “the Gran Turismo and Gran Cabrio are making their appearance in the testing phase, whose production start is expected at the end of the second half. So at the end of the year”. “Our expectations – said Ferdinando Uliano, Fim national secretary in charge of the automotive sector and Davide Provenzano, provincial secretary for Turin and Canavese of the CISL metalworkers – is to return to the levels of 2017, when the volumes were double compared to 2021”.

Mirafiori towards the future, an example also for other situations in Italy

But Mirafiori is also a hope if you take it as an “example”: “In the last month we have had two official communications that create strong concerns in terms of employment and future prospects: the interruption of production of the V6 diesel engine at the plant in VM of

One hundred and the downsizing of FCA Services activities for Cnhi and Iveco. If the goal, as stated by the CEO of Stellantis, Carlos Tavares, is “not to close the factories, but to transform them technologically”, concrete solutions are needed that go in this direction. Like the two important industrial initiatives in the Mirafiori district “, concluded Uliano.

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