Resolute warning strike start: employees resist measly offer

Around 10,000 are putting pressure on collective bargaining with warning strikes +++ IG Metall is demanding 8 percent for its members for 12 months

Photo: IG Metall

Photo: IG Metall

October 31, 202231. 10. 2022

Frankfurt – In the collective bargaining conflict in the metal and electrical industry, employees are increasing the pressure. IG Metall members started the warning strike phase nationwide with a large turnout. A total of 10,000 employees briefly stopped work in the first three days since Saturday (as of Monday, 2 p.m.). In doing so, they want to persuade employers to make an offer that is worthy of the name.

Already on the night of Saturday at midnight, the workforce of selected companies had stopped work for a short time. At Bosch in Bamberg, 1,000 employees on the entire night shift in all parts of the plant finished their work four hours earlier. At BMW in Berlin Spandau, 800 protesting metalworkers formed a human chain. Many other larger and smaller campaigns took place nationwide in front of the factory gates. During the course of Monday, other employees temporarily went on strike.

Further warning strikes are planned for this week. The fourth regional rounds of negotiations are scheduled for early next week. IG Metall calls on employers to submit an improved offer.

IG Metall is demanding a wage increase of 8 percent for its members in the metal and electrical industry for a contract period of 12 months. The employers had not been able to bring themselves to make an offer for a long time. Only shortly before the end of the peace obligation did they make a meager offer: only one-off payments totaling 3,000 euros for the next two and a half years.

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