@Subaru: The SUBARU Group Releases the Integrated Report 2022 and Sustainability Web 2022000168

November 1, 2022

Representative: Tomomi Nakamura, President & CEO
Securities Code: 7270 (Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime
Contact: Yasushi Nagae, Vice President and
General Manager of Investor Relations
Phone: +81-3-6447-8825

SUBARU has released the Integrated Report 2022 and Sustainability Web 2022, which summarize financial and non-financial information in an integrated manner, in order for stakeholders to better understand the SUBARU Group’s business models, growth strategies, and sustainability initiatives.
We will utilize both the report and the website as tools for communicating with stakeholders, further enhancing our disclosure activities going forward.

Integrated Report 2022 Sustainability Report 2022

Links to English-Language Reports

■ Main Content of the Integrated Report 2022
The SUBARU Group’s approach, strengths, and growth strategies are introduced in three main sections: Our Value Creation Story, Commentary on Strategy, and Mechanisms Supporting Value Creation. The Commentary on Strategy, in addition to presenting our mid-term management vision “STEP” and the Six Priority Areas for CSR*, specifically describes the value creation process, including our unique business model, human resource development, and digital transformation. This report shares our value creation story with a wide range of stakeholders in an easy-to-understand manner as we aim to become a company “Delivering happiness to all.”

* Six Priority Areas for CSR: People-oriented Car Culture, Resonance and Coexistence, Peace of Mind, Diversity, Environment, and Compliance.

■ Main Content of Sustainability Web 2022
The SUBARU Group’s approach, goals, and initiatives for sustainability are presented from the perspectives of the Six Priority Areas for CSR and ESG. In sections related to the Environment, we have enhanced our information disclosure related to Environmentally Friendly Automobiles and Climate Change in accordance with disclosures recommended by the TCFD. Sections related to Society include details of our human rights due diligence efforts, as well as newly added information about countermeasures to prevent and reduce the human rights risks identified as a result of these efforts. The website communicates the SUBARU Group’s intention to provide “Enjoyment and Peace of Mind” to our customers and other stakeholders, to be a truly global company with sustainable growth driven by the efforts of each and every one of our employees, and to contribute to the achievement of an enjoyable, sustainable society.

Value Creation Process


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