Fugitive The Curious Case of Carlos Ghosn: How Did He Escape in a Musical Instrument Box? Did He Get Caught? – Leisure Byte

Fugitive The Curious Case of Carlos Ghosn is Netflix’s latest biographical documentary about the legendary man who turned the fate of two of the biggest automobile companies- Renault and Nissan. From a businessman to a world-renowned fugitive, this is a film that you wouldn’t want to miss.

Directed by Lucy Blakstad, the docuseries interviews various people related to Carlos Ghosn and those who saw his surprise and later his downfall. The documentary closely looks at what went wrong and the fatal mistakes made by the mogul that brought forth his current condition. However, the biography does not have an interview with the man himself as he refused to be part of this film.

Netflix’s synopsis of the film reads:


How Did Carlos Ghosn Escape in a Musical Instrument Box?

The Netflix documentary Fugitive The Curious Case of Carlos Ghosn shows in detail how the man finally escaped Japan with the help of Michael Taylor, a former American special forces agent. We see the car mogul held under house arrest in Japan while security and police keep their eye on his daily movements through CCTV cameras.

Carlos observes the cameras and forms a regular routine around specific places so that he doesn’t seem suspicious on the day of his escape. When the day finally arrives, he says goodbye to his housekeeper by gifting her two wine bottles and taking a picture with her.

On December 30, 2019, he leaves for a hotel which is part of his daily route where he changes his attire by adding on a jacket and a red beanie before leaving with Michael for the airport. The two are accompanied by another man as the three take the bullet train to Osaka where they check into a hotel connected to the Kansai International Airport.

Fugitive The Curious Case of Carlos Ghosn Review

Fugitive The Curious Case of Carlos Ghosn still

The plan was set near the New Year as the permanent staff at the airport is given a holiday and are replaced by temporary staff who aren’t as agile which can make it easier for them to escape. The men soon check into the hotel reserved by Michael where they move Carlos into a musical instrument box.

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They then move out of the hotel and make their way to the airport where a private plane waits for the three. However, before that, they need to get through the security check and the dreaded X-Ray that can easily ruin their plans.

The two men along with Carlos who is in the box, make their way inside with two instrument boxes and a guitar case. The guitar case, however, raises the suspicion of the workers as Michael had informed them that they are violinists while carrying a guitar case. But they speak out about this and the men move forward to security which is their biggest challenge.

As Carlos holds his breath while looking at the ground underneath him through the hole in the box, Michael tells the security team that the delicate instruments cannot be damaged and the box cannot be lifted onto the X-ray belt to check. The workers aren’t able to say anything and the men sneakily leave for the plane.

Fugitive The Curious Case of Carlos Ghosn Review

Fugitive The Curious Case of Carlos Ghosn still

The workers once again suspect the content of the box due to the weight that took 4 people to come together in order to lift it. But once again, they say nothing and Carlos succeeds in escaping. The news of his escape soon breaks out while the plane lands in Istanbul, Turkey and another plane is taken from there to Beirut, Lebanon.

Carlos finally makes his way back home and speaks of the injustice that he has had to bear during his time in Japan where he felt like he had no human rights. He points fingers at the rigged Japanese justice system where guilt is presumed while human rights are denied.

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Did Carlos Ghosn Get Caught?

After his arrival in Lebanon, Interpol issued an arrest warrant against Carlos Ghosn for having escaped the judicial system in Japan, but the man claims his innocence while speaking about the unfair system in Japan which kept him detained for months.

He talks about the unfair situation in Japan and calls everything that happened there a plot set by the Nissan executives against him. The time he spent in prison where he was kept in solitary confinement did provoke members of the United Nations human rights group who say that the Japanese government should compensate him for what happened.

However, this does not solve the questionable expenses of the man which is still the base of this whole case. Now, he lives in Lebanon without the power he once held, and all this is because he escaped from Japan and is labelled a fugitive.

Let us know what you think of this talented fugitive in the comments below!

Watch Fugitive the Curious Case of Carlos Ghosn on Netflix.

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