ACI-ISTAT: road accidents in the first half of 2022


Every day: 450 accidents, 8 dead and 602 injured. Average distances increased: on the motorway +25.6%

Road deaths in Italy are once again significantly increasing. The ACI-ISTAT estimates – relating to the first six months of 2022 – show – compared to the same period of 2021 – an increase in accidents with injuries (+24.7%), victims (+15.3%) and injured (+ 25.7%).

The data

From January 1st to June 30th, 81,437 accidents caused 1,450 deaths and 108,996 injuries: an average of 450 accidents, 8 deaths and 602 injuries every day. The increase in victims in 2022 was recorded, in particular, on extra-urban roads (+20%) while it was more limited on urban roads (+11%) and motorways (+10%).

Average distances are on the rise

A similar trend concerned the average distance traveled by vehicles. In the period January – June 2022, average motorway journeys increased by 25.6%. The recovery in circulation mainly affects light vehicles, in particular cars, while the growth recorded for heavy vehicles is decidedly more limited (+7%). A similar situation can be seen for traffic on the main extra-urban network, where increases reached peaks of 30% in the first four months of the year. In cities, the use of sharing services is still growing, including scooters, which account for the highest share of rentals. On the other hand, the car market is declining.

Compared to 2019

In the first half of 2022, compared to 2019, the year set as the basis for monitoring the decade 2021-2030, however, there is still a slight decrease: road accidents -2.6%; injured -6.8% and dead -5.5%. With reference to the road category, victims decrease significantly on motorways (-11.8%) while on urban and extra-urban roads the decrease is estimated at around 5%.

20 November 2022 ‘World day in remembrance of road victims’

Sunday 20 November is the “World Day in Remembrance of Road Victims”: 8 dead and 48 seriously injured per day are unacceptable, each victim is a loss for the whole of society. We must commit ourselves to achieving the goals of halving these figures by 2030. With a short video, ACI intends to sensitize everyone to use the utmost caution when driving, remembering that there is no safe speed: “Your risk, your responsibility”! Drive carefully for your safety and that of others.

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