AUTOCRYPT Accredited by WebTrust for CAs as V2X Root Certificate Authority

SEOUL, South Korea, Dec. 7, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — AUTOCRYPT, an industry-leading provider of automotive cybersecurity and connected mobility solutions, announced that it has been officially accredited by the AICPA/CICA WebTrust Program for CAs (Certification Authorities) as a root certificate authority for the V2X-PKI ecosystem, making it Asia’s first, and the world’s third V2X root CA to receive the WebTrust seal.

The WebTrust Program accredits CAs after having licensed auditors conduct extensive audits to verify that the CA has adequate management capabilities and strictly follows its Certificate Practice Statement (CPS) by properly verifying organizations and protecting its certificate keys. The WebTrust seal is an internationally recognized symbol for safe practice in PKI and cryptography, to which many organizations demand WebTrust accreditation for all CAs involved in their supply chains.

AUTOCRYPT’s V2X-PKI CA (Certificate Authorization) Service acts as a root CA that registers, issues, manages, and revokes V2X certificates to subordinate CAs, supporting SCMS standards across North America, Europe, and China. Independently operated by its self-established security certification center, the service has undergone months of external audits and monitoring prior to receiving the accreditation.

“Aligning with our vision of enabling reliable and autonomous mobility for all road users, we developed our own root CA service to help establish trust within the V2X ecosystem,” said Daniel ES Kim, CEO of AUTOCRYPT. “By providing WebTrust-accredited certificate lifecycle management for V2X CAs, we look forward to enabling a streamlined V2X deployment process for our clients and partners, as well as encouraging more V2X implementations across a wider variety of use cases.”

Apart from serving as a V2X root CA, AUTOCRYPT offers a complete security solution for the V2X ecosystem, including a security module for OBU/RSUs, an SCMS backend, and an Integrated Management System (IMS) for SCMS that enables automotive OEMs to oversee all the SCMS certificates for their fleets via a graphical user interface.

For more information regarding AUTOCRYPT’s V2X security solutions and offerings, contact [email protected].


AUTOCRYPT is the leading player in automotive and smart mobility security technologies, paving the way for Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS) and autonomous driving through a multi-layered, holistic approach. Through security solutions for V2X, V2G (including PnC security), in-vehicle systems, and fleet management systems, AUTOCRYPT ensures that security is prioritized and optimized before vehicles hit the road.

SOURCE Autocrypt Co., Ltd.

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