Concern about industrial location widespread

Frankfurt – Currently, two-thirds of the population eligible to vote are very or very concerned about the future of Germany as an industrial location in view of the increased energy and electricity costs. This was the result of a representative survey by the “Netzwerk Zukunft der Industrie e.V.”, which supports the “Future of Industry” alliance.

“The clear and large majority of those questioned are aware of the critical situation in the industry. Almost nine out of ten respondents are prepared to save energy in order to secure the energy supply for industrial companies and thus preserve jobs,” said the chairman of the association, Wolfgang Lemb, who is also the executive board member of IG Metall responsible for industrial policy. For most respondents, the biggest threat to German industry is high energy prices. But people are also worried about the shortage of skilled workers, an escalation of the war in Ukraine and inflation.

In the east of the country, a threat to Germany as a business location is seen much more frequently (78 percent) than in western Germany (64 percent). In addition, the concerns in this regard apparently increase with the age of the respondents. While 58 percent of 18 to 39-year-olds are very concerned, the figure is still 75 percent among older respondents aged 65 and over.

Lemb: “In order to secure the future of German industry and the success of the transformation, we all have to work together. This applies above all to the transformation efforts in the regions. But quick action is also required when it comes to the issue of a shortage of skilled workers. We have to improve career orientation at general schools.” 79 percent of those surveyed rate this measure as extremely or very important. 62 percent consider reducing the school dropout rate to be particularly relevant.

The industry survey was conducted in three waves from October 11 to 13, November 2 to 8 and November 22 to 23, 2022 by the opinion research company Kantar Public using a representative random sample of 1,014 eligible voters.

The Alliance for the Future of Industry comprises 17 partners from trade unions, business and employer associations, the Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce (DIHK) and the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi).

More about the poll results alliance-future-of-industry

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