Statistics – Top 10: car producing countries, worldwide and EU

More than 80 million passenger cars were produced around the world in 2017. This interactive infographic shows the 10 biggest car producing countries, worldwide and in the EU.

Quick facts:

With around 17 million passenger cars built in the EU last year, pre-crisis levels from 2007 were exceeded for the first time.
The European Union remained the world’s second largest producer of passenger cars, accounting for more than 21% of global car production in 2017
US output declined substantially (‐11.5%) last year. Total car production in the United States amounted to 8 million units in 2017, more than one million less than in the preceding year.
Chinese production grew only moderately (+4.4%) in 2017, reaching a total of 23.6 million passenger cars. 
Nevertheless, China maintained its leading position among global passenger car producers, accounting for 29% of all cars produced around the world last year.

For more facts and figures about the EU automotive industry, make sure to read ACEA’s Economic and Market Report: key takeaways about the EU auto industry for 2017.
