Foothill Gold Line Light Rail Project is Nearly Two-Thirds Complete as 2022 Closes

Glendora to Pomona Project Remains On Schedule, On Budget for Early-2025 Completion

MONROVIA, Calif., Dec. 28, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — As 2022 comes to an end, the Foothill Gold Line Construction Authority (Construction Authority) announces that the 9.1-mile, four-station Foothill Gold Line light rail project from Glendora to Pomona is now nearly two-thirds complete. Major construction on the project began in July 2020 and, despite building in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the project continues to remain on budget and on schedule to be completed in early 2025, when it will be turned over to LA Metro for training and pre-revenue service (Metro determines when passenger service starts).

“With oversight by a great team, hard work of an excellent contractor and support from our project partners, 2022 was a successful and memorable year for the Construction Authority and the next segment of the Foothill Gold Line,” stated Foothill Gold Line Board Chairman and Claremont Mayor Ed Reece. “The Foothill Gold Line is now nearly two-thirds complete and the vision of making light rail service available for more of the San Gabriel Valley is drawing ever closer.”

Construction of the light rail project is a substantial undertaking, requiring the planning, design and construction of bridges, stations, grade crossings, the track system, the electric power system and much more through four cities and over more than nine miles. It requires careful coordination between the Construction Authority, the design-build team of Kiewit-Parsons, a Joint Venture (KPJV), corridor cities, partner agencies and third-party agencies.

In June 2022, the project celebrated 50% construction completion; and looking back over the accomplishments of the entire year, the project has reached the following milestones:

  • Completed the freight track relocation within the now shared corridor to make room for new light rail tracks
  • Completed long-term reconstruction of 20 of the project’s 21 at-grade crossings 
  • Completed construction of 18 out the project’s 19 new or renovated bridges, including completing three of the four new light rail bridges that cross major city streets
  • Installed six of the project’s eight traction power substations that will convert power from the local utilities to the type required by the light rail system
  • Began construction on all four new light rail stations

Looking ahead to 2023, the Construction Authority and KPJV anticipate completing nearly all major construction activities needed for the project, including completing the four new light rail stations, light rail track installation, light rail power system, project walls and more. Testing of the light rail system is expected to begin by the end of 2023.

In addition, in January 2023, the Construction Authority and Metro anticipate hearing back on the status of a joint application filed earlier this month to the California State Transportation Agency (CalSTA) for the full funding grant request to complete the remaining project segment from Pomona to Montclair. At Metro’s December board meeting, the Metro board unanimously agreed to apply for the project’s full funding need as part of a state grant program available for Southern California major transit infrastructure projects, which is being funded by surplus dollars from last year’s state budget.

“I want to thank our state legislators, county supervisors, Construction Authority and Metro board members, and San Gabriel Valley cities and organizations for supporting this funding application,” stated Construction Authority CEO Habib F. Balian. “The Pomona to Montclair segment is the final segment of a 25-station system that has been underway since the early 1990s. It is shovel-ready and can be completed across county lines into San Bernardino County in five years once funding is secured.”

Media kit with project photos, construction update video, artist renderings of stations and maps is available at: 

About the Foothill Gold Line Construction Authority – The Foothill Gold Line Construction Authority is an independent transportation planning and construction agency created in 1998 by the California State Legislature to plan, design and build the Metro Gold Line (currently called the L Line) light rail system from Union Station to Montclair. The agency completed the first segment from Union Station to Pasadena in 2003 and the Pasadena to Azusa segment in 2015; both on time and under budget. The agency began work on the Glendora to Montclair segment in 2003. When completed, the extension will add new light rail stations in the cities of Glendora, San Dimas, La Verne, Pomona, Claremont and Montclair. The project will be built in phases, due to funding constraints. The current 9.1-mile construction segment is funded mostly by Measure M, along with residual funds from Measure R not used to complete the Pasadena to Azusa segment. The project is also utilizing a State of California TIRCP (greenhouse gas reduction) grant. The Construction Authority is currently seeking the funding needed to complete the line to Claremont and Montclair.

SOURCE Foothill Gold Line Construction Authority

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