Used market in free fall in 2022: -10.2% for cars and -4.9% for motorbikes

Used market in free fall in 2022: -10.2% for cars and -4.9% for motorbikes


The state of health of the Italian car market in 2022 is far from reassuring. According to the latest monthly bulletin “Auto-Trend” – the statistical analysis carried out by the Automobile Club of Italy on PRA data – used cars are declining (cars -10.2%, motorcycles -4.9%, vehicles -8.3%) and the new in serious crisis (electric -29.2%, diesel -24%, petrol -21.8%). The only segment bucking the trend is that of petrol hybrids, which score a comforting +7.6%. Below are some of the most significant findings of the ACI study, which can be consulted online.


End of the year still under the minus sign for changes in ownership of cars, purged of mini-transfers (temporary transfers in the name of the dealer pending resale to the end customer). In December 2022 – compared to the same month of the previous year – the negative change was 4.1%. In absolute numbers: 228,281 changes of ownership, against 238,062 in December 2021. With the same working days, however, the daily average in December 2022 is 5.5% higher than that of the same month of the previous year, which had enjoyed two working days more. The contraction in car transfers gross of mini-transfers was slighter (-1.1%) (daily variation: +8.8%), with 403,986 formalities against 408,415 in December 2021, thanks to the increase in mini-transfers, which reported an increase of 3.1% and 175,705 mini-passes compared to 170,353 in December 2021 (daily variation: +13.5%). In December, 198 used cars were sold for every 100 new cars; 204 in the yearly total. In 2022, used cars were more than double that of new ones. The monthly growth in motorcycle transfers net of mini-transfers was modest, with a positive change of 0.8% (daily average: +10.9%), as 31,089 applications were presented against 30,834 in December 2021. Net of mini-transfers, in December 2022, vehicles as a whole recorded a decrease of 3.2% compared to December 2021 (298,101 vehicles against 308,026 in 2021), a percentage that becomes positive (+6.5%) on a like-for-like basis of working days. In 2022 as a whole, however, decreases were recorded for all types of vehicles: -10.2% for cars (with 2,725,019 net passages compared to the 3,033,816 of the previous year), -4.9% for motorcycles (616,694 net transfers against 648,402 in 2021), -8.3% for all vehicles (3,799,057 used vehicles compared to 4,141,454 in the previous year).


With regard to fuel sources, new petrol hybrid cars, with a share of 35.2% of the market for first registrations in December, are still in first place, also reporting growth of 38.9% (+7, 6% in the annual total with a 2022 share of 34.2%), and surpassing, as has been the case for months now, the sales of petrol as well as diesel cars, whose market share in 2022 was fixed, respectively, at 28.2% and 19.6%. Although in December 2022, compared to the same month of the previous year, the first registrations of both diesel and petrol cars recorded significant growth (+32.2% and +18.7% respectively), on an annual basis both markets show a worrying minus sign: – 24% for diesel cars, – 21.8% for petrol ones. The first registrations of electric cars lost both in share, 4% in December 2022 against 6.8% in December 2021, and in comparison, -24.3% the change between the two corresponding months; in 2022 as a whole, the incidence was 3.7% with a decrease of 29.2%. Strong increase in December for registrations of diesel-electric hybrid cars, +56.3%, still at 4.6% of the total (4.7% share in the year with a positive change of 5.1%) . In the second-hand market, traditional fuels still prevail (diesel and petrol); the share of the petrol hybrid stands at 5% in December and at 3.5% in the annual total. Diesel cars still excel in the mini-passes (52% share in December 2022 and 52.8% in 2022, however down compared to December 2021, when it was 54.5% and 2021, 56.3%) . The percentage of petrol hybrid cars for minivans was 5.5% in December and 4.4% in the year, with an overall increase of 68%.


Strongly negative, also in December, the figure relating to radiation from cars: a decrease of 27.5% was recorded compared to December of the previous year, which is reduced to -20.3% in terms of daily variation, with 83,354 practices (lowest number ever for December) against 115,003 in December 2021. The unit replacement rate was 0.72 in December (72 were deregistered for every 100 new cars) and 0.79 in December. 2022 as a whole. Monthly contraction also for the cancellations of motorcycles, with a negative change of 10.1% (daily average: -1.1%) and 8,507 motorcycles canceled against 9,466 in December 2021. For all vehicles it was, finally, a drop of 25.5% was noted, with 101,646 radiations compared to 136,386 in December last year, which drops to -18% for the same working days. Thus, 2022 recorded decreases of 29.5% for cars (1,051,994 cancellations compared to 1,491,281 in 2021), 3.8% for motorcycles with (114,538 motorbikes canceled compared to 119,040 in the previous year) and -27% for all vehicles (1,281,897 deregistered vehicles compared to 1,755,365 in 2021).

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