US Navy Veterans Mesothelioma Advocate Urges a Veteran Who Now Has Mesothelioma and Had Heavy Exposure to Asbestos as a Repairman to Call The Gori Law Firm About Compensation That Might Be Millions of Dollars

WASHINGTON, Jan. 19, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — The US Navy Veterans Mesothelioma Advocate says, “If you are a Navy, Army, Air Force, Marine, or Coast Guard Veteran with recently diagnosed mesothelioma anywhere in the USA please call The Gori Law Firm anytime at 866-532-2106-if as part of your duties you were exposed to asbestos because you were part of a maintenance crew or a repairman. Financial compensation for a person like this might be in the millions of dollars-because their asbestos exposure might have been routine-and in some instances extreme.

“If the person who we have just described sounds like your husband or dad who now has mesothelioma-the reason we have endorsed the lawyers at The Gori Law Firm to you is because they have decades worth of experience representing Veterans, they are responsible for billions of dollars in compensation for their clients, and they go the extra mile to insure the best possible client mesothelioma compensation results. The Gori Law Firm also offers a no obligation in home visit with one of their lawyers to ensure the person with mesothelioma and their family understands how the mesothelioma compensation process works, what is involved-and how much the person’s compensation claim might be worth.

“For more information-please call the lawyers at The Gori Law Firm anytime at 866-532-2106. We think you will be glad you did.” https://GoriLaw.Com 

At no additional charge for their US Armed Forces-Veteran clients who have developed asbestos exposure lung cancer or mesothelioma The Gori Law Firm will fill out the required paperwork to hopefully qualify a person like this for VA benefits. This might produce additional compensation for their client. For more information, please call The Gori Law Firm at 866-532-2106. https://GoriLaw.Com

High-risk workplaces for asbestos exposure include the US Navy, shipyards, power plants, public utilities, manufacturing factories, chemical plants, oil refineries, mines, smelters, pulp and paper mills, aerospace manufacturing facilities, offshore oil rigs, demolition construction work sites, railroads, automotive manufacturing facilities, or auto brake shops. With lung cancer caused by asbestos exposure the lung cancer may not show up until decades after the exposure. https://USNavyMesothelioma.Com

States with the highest incidence of lung cancer include Kentucky, West Virginia, Maine, Tennessee, Mississippi, Ohio, Indiana, Louisiana, Arkansas, Missouri, North Carolina, Rhode Island, Alabama, and Delaware.

However, a US Navy Veteran or person with mesothelioma or asbestos exposure lung cancer could live in any state including New York, Florida, California, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Oklahoma, Texas, Iowa, Georgia, Kansas, Nebraska, North Dakota, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, Nevada, Arizona, Idaho, Washington, Oregon. or Alaska. https://GoriLaw.Com 

For more information about asbestos exposure please visit the NIH’s website on this topic:

Media Contact:

Michael Thomas


[email protected]

SOURCE US Navy Veterans Mesothelioma Advocate

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