Faurecia completes the refinancing of the HELLA acquisition



JANUARY 18, 2023


Faurecia S.E., a company of the FORVIA group, announces that it has successfully priced today the New Notes, sustainability-linked 7.25% senior notes due 2026 (the “New Notes”) following a private placement arranged by BNP Paribas. Faurecia priced the New Notes at 101.75% of par, or a yield of 6.65%.

The proceeds of the issuance of the New Notes will be used to fully reimburse the Bridge-to-Bond and the Bridge-to-Equity in connection with the HELLA acquisition and for general corporate purposes.

An application will be made to list the New Notes on Euronext Dublin (Global Exchange Market).

The settlement of the New Notes is expected to occur on 1 February 2023.

Olivier DURAND, Group CFO, declared:

“We are very pleased with the outcome of this private placement. It allows us to complete the reimbursement of the Bridge-to-Bond and the Bridge-to-Equity related to the acquisition of HELLA. We did it ahead of deadlines and at a reasonable average cost.”

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