Ontario teacher unions seek to soften up members for major … – WSWS

Are you a teacher or education support worker in Ontario? Let us know your opinion of CUPE’s sellout of the school support workers’ struggle and the efforts by the teacher unions to suppress a mass movement against the Ford government. Contact the Ontario Education Workers Rank-and-File Committee at: ontedrfc@gmail.com or by filling out the form at the end of this article.

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Ontario’s 200,000 teachers are in the midst of a contract battle with Ontario Premier Doug Ford’s hard-right Progressive Conservative government. Contracts for public and separate (Roman Catholic) school teachers— represented by the Ontario Secondary School Teachers Federation (OSSTF), the Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO), the Association des enseignantes et des enseignants franco-ontariens (AEFO), and the Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association (OECTA)—expired on September 1 of last year.

All of the unions have been tight-lipped about their “demands” and the content of their negotiations with Ford and his hatchetman, Education Minister Stephen Lecce. The latter are pledged to slash hundreds of millions of dollars from the education budget in the years to come. The last major public statement from any of the teacher unions was on the ruling that the Ontario Superior Court made last November striking down Bill 124 as unconstitutional. This deeply unpopular legislation capped wage increases for 1 million Ontario public sector workers at 1 percent per annum for three years starting in 2019. Working to cover up their own role in enforcing Bill 124 by agreeing to concessions-filled contracts covering all their members, the teacher unions hailed the judicial ruling as a great “victory” for workers, even though it did nothing to reverse the massive real-terms pay cuts they suffered as a result of the illegal bill. The Ford government is currently in the process of appealing the court ruling.

Last November’s Ontario education workers’ strike, which at its height threatened to unleash a province-wide general strike, marked a new stage in working class opposition to capitalist austerity and wage-cutting. Above, strikers and their supporters rallying outside the Ontario Legislature, November 4, 2022. [Photo: WSWS]

The AEFO, which represents 12,000 French-language teachers in Ontario, has made a call for more prep time. The ETFO, which represents 83,000 elementary school teachers, has made a vague demand for stronger class-size caps. However, the ETFO acceded to an increase in class sizes in the last contract, which was imposed by the Ford government in partnership with the unions at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. The OECTA, which represents 45,000 separate school teachers, has not made public any information concerning its negotiations. The OSSTF, which represents nearly 60,000 secondary school teachers, has similarly not made any details public, although it has presented an opening offer to the government, according to a report in the Globe and Mail.

A town hall meeting held by the OSSTF prior to the holiday season school break revealed growing tensions between the union top brass and rank-and-file teachers. One teacher, who was present at the meeting, agreed to speak to the World Socialist Website on condition of anonymity.

At the meeting, OSSTF President Karen Littlewood mendaciously claimed that teachers face a government with a strong popular mandate. According to the teacher, Littlewood went so far as to say that “this government has a strong majority, and it will be difficult for us to fight them.”

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