Interview: Bill Lawrence Talks ‘Shrinking’ As Well As Why His Shows So Consistently Appeal To Me (And Others) – Awards Radar

Bill Lawrence has the unique distinction of being one of the only people who makes television that I actually watch. Now, it wasn’t intentional, as I didn’t follow him from show to show, but looking back, he’s been involved in a lot of things I’ve enjoyed on the small screen. From the obvious, like Scrubs and Ted Lasso, to Spin City, all the way doing episodes of a show like The Nanny, the television work he touches, I tend to be into. So, when I saw he was involved with Shrinking, this time my interest was piqued. Plus, it led to a conversation last month about the show, which I’m happy to bring to you all today.

Shrinking is a terrific new show, by the way. There’s a definite Ted Lasso vibe here, though obviously filtered through the unique comedic (and dramatic) voice of Jason Segel (look for my newest interview with him later on this week). Throw in a deadpan Harrison Ford and there’s a lot here to like. I haven’t seen the entire season, but what I’ve seen, I’ve certainly enjoyed quite a great deal.

Below, you can hear my chat with Lawrence. We talk about Shrinking, of course, but I did outright tell him that he’s the rare TV voice that I seem to respond too. That clearly had an impact, leading to a short but sweet conversation. Lawrence is a very nice man, in addition to a talented writer. Many of the projects he touches turn to gold, with Shrinking likely to be the next one. While we all wait for the next and perhaps final season of Ted Lasso, this is an excellent option in the meantime, debuting on Apple TV+ in a matter of days…

Apple TV+

Here now is my interview with Shrinking creator and writer Bill Lawrence. Enjoy:

Shrinking streams on Apple TV+ beginning on January 27th!

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