Business Coach Angeline Gillings: 4 Ways Transportation Executives Can Feel Comfortable Delegating

Business Coach Celebrates One-Year Anniversary

MIAMI, March 27, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Business leaders in the trucking, transportation, and freight forwarding industries who are frustrated by long work hours, and doing everything themselves, have a recommendation from Business Coach Angeline Gillings: Delegate.

“Leaders who do not delegate suffer because they are not tapping into their zones of genius and could actually be creating bottlenecks trying to do too many things,” said Gillings, CEO of Miami-based AMP-G, which recently celebrated its one-year anniversary. She has held leadership positions with Gillette, Johnson and Johnson, Colgate, and Bristol Myers Squibb. “Leaders need to focus on their strengths.”

She points to one example of a leader who got immersed in a situation where delivery was delayed due to a tire issue with a truck. Other tasks, more central to the CEO’s strategic role, waited on the back burner.

“This situation may have resulted from a lack of trust for a timely resolution without their input or the absence of someone with the competence to resolve the issue,” she said.

Leaders who don’t delegate are always putting out fires and becoming overwhelmed. This eventually leads to a miserable personal life.

“When leaders delegate, they are able to focus on the most important tasks to thrive and shine in business and personally,” said Gillings.

The first steps to delegating include:

  1. Be open to letting go and trusting others. Poor delegation leads to unnecessary control and micromanagement. This creates fear, mistrust, and low morale.
  2. Understand your strengths and align them with what is most important for your focus. Delegate everything else.
  3. Identify the skills gaps. Leaders should look at the workflow and define the skills and personality traits required for each role.
  4. Put the right people in place. This requires having the relevant people resources.

Benefits of Delegating

Not only does delegating free the executive to be more productive and fulfilled, but delegating tasks has other benefits:

  • Delegating frees the leader to work with less stress. “They can make better decisions when their day-to-day responsibilities are not overwhelming,” she said.
  • Delegating empowers employees. “Delegating makes people feel valued and important in their jobs,” she said.
  • Delegating opens opportunities to hear ideas from others. “You don’t have only one person coming up with the solutions. Delegating encourages innovative thinking and uncovering blind spots that executives are unaware of. This adds value through this fresh perspective,” she said.

“It’s all about being responsible for fewer operational tasks through effective delegation. This leads to a more motivated and productive workforce with a higher likelihood of success for the business. With positive results, leaders and their teams experience a sense of accomplishment which translate to a happy, contented personal life,” she said.

“Celebrating successes big and small is important.”

Coaching Services

When Ms. Gillings consults with companies, in-person or virtually, she brings her passion for excellence and her love of working with groups of people.

“I work very well with people. When they feel respected and valued knowing their views are appreciated, their contributions to possible improvements lead to fewer bottlenecks and higher productivity. They are more engaged and invested in the success of the business.”

Having more than 30 years of experience with multinational corporations has prepared her to support business owners and leaders to maximize their results while guiding them to reduce their frustration levels.

“What sets me apart is my unique ability to bring out the best in my clients by being their key partner in their journey, providing them with empathetic support, and insightful guidance to achieve their business goals and ultimately live their desired life,” she said.

Speaking Service

She also speaks at conferences on topics including:

  • Personal Growth
  • Leadership Development
  • Your Attitude Matters for Success
  • Company Values & Culture
  • Five Generations in the Workplace: Collaborate and Not Collide
  • Customer Experience

She offers a free, 10-point guide to becoming a great leader. Copies are available at:

For information, go to

About Angeline Gillings

Based in Miami, Angeline Gillings is originally from Jamaica. She was the head of global marketing for a major Jamaican company. She has 30 years of experience, including leadership positions in marketing and branding campaigns for Fortune 500 companies.

As a coach, Angeline supports business leaders to be less frustrated and burned out for success and a happy, satisfying personal life.

She does this by focusing on developing powerful custom-fit strategies and results-driven actions that bring about their desired results while enjoying the kind of fulfillment and lifestyle they’ve worked so hard to achieve.


Angeline Gillings


[email protected]

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