ACI: Statistical Yearbook 2023

How much do we spend to maintain our car

First registrations at historic lows, ever older vehicles in circulation, ever more expensive spending and tax revenues close to 60 billion: these are some of the main indications that can be obtained from reading the ACI Yearbook 2023, which can be consulted, starting today, on

FIRST ENROLLMENTS AT HISTORIC LOWS: 1.3 million (-12% compared to 2021) In 2022, the Italian car market collapsed to historic lows. After the post-Covid recovery recorded in 2021, in fact, the first registrations were just over 1,330,000, almost equal to 1,310,000 in 2013. Compared to 2021, the decrease was more than 12%. Values ​​that are far removed not only from the years of greatest development in the sector (first decade of the 2000s) – when the first registrations in the PRA exceeded 2 million – but also compared to the last pre-Covid years (2017-2019), when around 1, 9 million registrations.

VEHICLES INCREASINGLY OLDER: 12 YEARS AND 6 MONTHS AVERAGE AGE: + 4 MONTHS COMPARED TO 2021 The Italian vehicle fleet is getting older and older. The average age of cars is, in fact, equal to 12 years and 6 months: 4 months more than in 2021. Just under 1 in 5 (17% of the total), Euro 0-1-2, which have at least 19 years old. Even the scrapped ones are getting older and older, with an average age of 18 years and 2 months: 9 months more than in 2021.

EXPENDITURE FOR CARS GROWS: 148BILLION = +6.9%. AVERAGE EXPENDITURE: €3,700: +€200 (+5.7%) In 2022, Italians spent more than 148 billion euros on their cars: 10 billion more than in 2021 (+6.9%). The greatest expenditure was represented by the combination of purchase-depreciation of capital and fuel: 41 billion for each of these two items. Followed by maintenance and repairs: just under 27 billion. Compared to 2021, all cost items are increasing with the exception of that for RCA, down by around 200 million euros (-2%). The average expense for using a car was around 3,700 euros: almost 200 euros more (+5.7%) than in 2021.

TAX REVENUE FALLS: -5.6%. MAJOR REVENUE: FUELS: 31MLD The tax component decreased by 5.6% compared to 2021, with a total revenue of just over 58 billion euros. Once again, the greatest revenue for the treasury is that derived from the sale of fuels (31 billion), although a marked decrease compared to 2021 due to the cuts in excise duties decided by the government during 2022. This is followed by VAT on the purchase of vehicles (6.9 billion) and car tax (6.7 billion).

CAR/POPULATION RATIO GROWS: 681 X 1,000 INHABITANTS: HIGHEST AVERAGE IN EUROPE The car/population ratio is increasingly higher: 681 cars for every 1,000 inhabitants. Ratio which – if we consider the total number of vehicles – rises to 910 for every 1,000 inhabitants. Both values ​​are growing compared to 2021, which make the two Italian indices the highest in Europe.

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