Savory and Partners: 5 must-haves in a second citizenship agency

DUBAI, UAE, May 6, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Selecting an investment migration consultant to work with is a crucial step in any immigration venture. By selecting the right partner, the entire process of obtaining a second passport is simplified, financial outlays are minimised, and the chances of approval are high.

However, choosing the wrong partner can lead to a plethora of catastrophic results, such as financial loss, getting an application rejected, or in some extreme cases, even getting blacklisted from a country’s citizenship by investment program.

This piece will highlight the most important red flags to be aware of when choosing an investment migration consultancy firm to work with on your application.


An important detail to check is whether the firm offering consultation and assistance is a registered agent of the program.

The Caribbean citizenship by investment programs of Antigua & Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, St Kitts & Nevis, and St Lucia all have a list of authorised agents who can market and facilitate their programs.

Working with a firm not registered on those lists will get your application rejected, as they do not have the authority to file on your behalf. Even if they employ the services of a registered firm to file for you, then that will result in a higher overall fee as you’ll be paying both firms.

Offices and physical presence

Another significant factor to consider is the physical presence of your investment migration representative. It should be easy to find their address online through their website or a simple search. Their offices should be physically present, not a virtual office, nor meetings in hotel lobbies and restaurants.

A company without an office may not be registered, and hence will not be a licenced agent, meaning the risk of losing money is much higher.

Furthermore, a company with low profile or remote offices may not have sufficient staffing or resources to handle your case.

Online presence

An online presence today is a must for any successful business. An impressive 81% of consumers conduct online research before buying a product or service, and in the case of investment migration, proper due diligence is key.

A company with no online presence may not be a company at all, or it may be too unprofessional to work with. At the same time, the lack of any sort of reviews or testimonials can indicate that they deliberately remove negative comments and do not have the required expertise to provide adequate service.

Social media activity is another vital factor, as it will give you an idea about how active they are, how quickly they interact and respond to their community, and their overall professionalism.

Payment breakdowns

Getting a second citizenship or residency takes a few months, so the process spans a timeline with set milestones. Strong companies understand that they will need to deliver work along that timeline and break down their office fees into separate payments that correspond to workloads.

So, companies that demand their entire fees upfront may not have the incentive to keep working on your file at total capacity, as they won’t have any payments waiting for them when they get the job done.

Working with a company that breaks down their payment structure alongside the process ensures that they get compensated for their work while you get the peace of mind of knowing when and for what you will pay as the process moves along.


Investment migration is a global process, and since it draws demand from all over the world, most of the elite firms have a large, bilingual staff catering to their clients.

A company with a bilingual and extensive staff means that they have experience dealing with clients from across the globe and the required resources to see your application through in a timely manner.

Suspicious offerings

Investment migration is not globally regulated, but rather each government oversees its own program.

Each investment migration program has its own regulations and sets minimum investment thresholds. If a company is advertising any investment amounts that do not correspond to a government’s guidelines and rules, then that is a massive red flag.

The process of obtaining a second citizenship or residency by investment for a client is not a simple task and requires a lot of work on the agent’s part. If firms ask for suspiciously lower fees, they may not be doing the work themselves, or may have hired unqualified people at lower wages to handle the files.

Why choose us?

Savory & Partners is an accredited agent for multiple governments where citizenship by investment is offered. The company has coverage in over 20 jurisdictions including Europe and was the first firm to obtain all five authorised agent licenses for the governments of the Caribbean Islands. To date it has processed second passports for over 4,000 citizens with a 100 percent success rate.

With presence in 3 continents and 7 countries, more than 60 experts worldwide, the company’s multinational staff is made up of advisors who guide clients in English, Arabic, Farsi, French, Spanish and Hindi.

To know more about Savory & Partners visit or email [email protected].

For more information, please send an email to [email protected]. You can also call +971 04 430 1717 or send a WhatsApp message to +971 54 440 2955.

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