Study: turning point also necessary for regional transformation

Berlin – Top representatives of the “Alliance for the Future of Industry” have called for a turning point in economic development. The study “Transformation Strategies for Particularly Affected Regions” by IW Consult, the University of Kassel and the University of Tübingen was presented at a specialist conference in Berlin on Thursday. The authors come to the conclusion that today’s regional funding “cannot make any systematic contribution to ensuring the transformation towards climate neutrality and digitization that everyone wants”.

Wolfgang Lemb, Executive Board Member of IG Metall, explained: “Our country is in a digital, mobility and energy policy era, which – especially in view of the climate policy challenges – is necessary and is designed to maintain Germany as a strong industrial location must. How the transformation succeeds will be decided very specifically in the locations and regions over the next few years. We have to support them there.”

Tanja Gönner, General Manager of the Federation of German Industries (BDI), affirmed: “The transformation is at a critical turning point. In order to make the transformation a success, companies must massively expand innovations and investments. Good framework conditions are essential for this: clean, reliable and affordable energy supply, faster planning and approval processes and less regulation.”

The new study came to the conclusion that a more differentiated and more proactive regional policy could give new impetus to innovation and technology, infrastructure and labor market policy in particular and promote regional cooperation. It is not about more funding, but about better funding strategies.

A problem-adequate approach is needed, which should also start with the regional networks, for example. IG Metall and BDI offered the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection to consult in the “Alliance for the Future of Industry” promptly about the urgently needed change of direction in regional economic development and to develop joint recommendations.

More information about the alliance and the study

Contact: N3tzwerk Zukunft der Industrie e.V. Simone Ebel-Schmidtmobil: 0170 3333 718

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