@VW Group: Annual general meeting of Porsche SE on 30 June 2023007235

Stuttgart, 17 May 2023. The annual general meeting of Porsche Automobil Holding SE (“Porsche SE”), Stuttgart, will take place on 30 June 2023 as a virtual annual general meeting. In addition to the decision on the proposed dividend to the holders of preference shares of 2.56 euro per share and to the holders of ordinary shares of 2.554 per share, the main points on the agenda are the presentation of the adopted annual financial statements, the approval of the acts of the members of the board of management and supervisory board, the appointment of the auditor for the fiscal year 2023 and for the review of the 2023 half-year financial report, the approval of the remuneration report as well as amendments to the articles of association concerning virtual annual general meetings in the future.

Elections to the supervisory board of Porsche SE will also be held. Based on the recommendation of the nominations committee, the supervisory board proposes to the annual general meeting that the current supervisory board members Mag. Josef Michael Ahorner, Mag. Marianne Heiß, Dr. Günther Horvath and Peter Daniell Porsche be reelected for a further term of office and that Sophie Piëch be elected to the supervisory board. Dr. Stefan Piëch is not available for the upcoming term of office, as he will focus on his own investments and those of the Piëch family.

From today, the invitation to the annual general meeting is available on Porsche SE’s website at: www.porsche-se.com/en/investor-relations/annual-general-meeting

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