Change of destination for Mirafiori? The unions ask Lo Russo why. And then they go to Paris

An open letter to the municipal councilors, a demonstration under the windows of Palazzo Civico and – finally – a “trip” by bus to Paris to reiterate their requests also to the French “relatives”.

Appointment at 14:30 under the Municipality

The countdown which will see the workers and trade unions of Fiom CGIL gather in front of the Turin Town Hall on Thursday 1 June is at the last tolling. An event scheduled for 2.30 pm that aims to draw the attention of the municipal administration to the fate of Stellentis and the related repercussions on Turin, therefore Mirafiori. In fact, the administration itself is involved in the dialogue with the Group heir to Fiat and FCA for some changes of use for the Mirafiori spaces. Changes of destination that can say a lot about the future of the factory, at 360 degrees.

Lo Russo and the change of destination

To anticipate the protest, however, an open letter was delivered today to the councilors of the Sala Rossa. A missive which is also an invitation to participate in next Thursday’s gathering. Invitation extended, of course, to Mayor Stefano Lo Russo, who in recent months – together with the governor of Piedmont, Alberto Cirio – met the CEO of Stellantis, Carlos Tavares several times.

They are the interlocutors who asked for (and received, at least verbally) reassurances about the Turin plant. But alongside the Piedmontese capital there are also other realities that await confirmation and reassurance. This is why, on Thursday, in Piazza Palazzo di Città there will also be workers from all the Italian plants of the Stellantis group. At the end of the event, then, departure for Paris to meet the Group’s management and ask for production and employment guarantees in the country.

Among those who will take the floor will be Giorgio Airaudo (general secretary of CGIL Piedmont), Gabriella Semeraro (general secretary of CGIL

Turin) and Valter Vergnano (general secretary of Fiom Piemonte). The conclusions will be entrusted to Michele De Palma, general secretary of the national Fiom CGIL.

A virtual tour and a journey into the future

For the occasion, illustrative panels will be installed in the square, recreating a virtual tour of the history of Mirafiori, its various sectors, employment and production trends. “We decided to carry out this garrison to once again raise the issue of the economic revival of Turin which must necessarily start with a project on Mirafiori, on the electric car, on new productions, on the governance of the energy transition – explains Edi Lazzi, general secretary by Fiom Cgil Turin – We go under the Municipality because we want to deal with the institutions that have a fundamental role both at the political level of direction and with respect to

competences on the regulatory plan and the change of intended use of the surfaces that Stellantis is asking for Mirafiori”.

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