Stellantis, a “fantastic bustle”: after Film’s trip to Paris, yesterday Tavares at Mirafiori

Heavy traffic on the Paris-Turin line. However, nothing to do with railway connections: here we are talking about cars. And, above all, the future of the car: between production and employment effects in the Stellantis world.

The trip to Paris

If last Thursday was the day in which Fiom had collected under the windows of the Municipality of Turin his representatives to ask for guarantees and support from local institutions, on Friday he had seen the transfer of the CGIL metalworkers to French soil, together with his transalpine colleagues.

Yesterday, however, in the opposite direction, it was the managing director of the Group born from the merger between FCA and PSA, Carlos Tavares, who moved towards Turin, the historic Mirafiori plant destination.

This was announced, with some surprise, by some of the workers and trade union representatives who had already signaled “movements” and waiting for the Group’s top manager from the early hours of the day. As the hours passed, it was discovered that Tavares had a series of meetings and meetings with his Italian staff on his agenda.

Inspection and agenda of meetings

For him, even some visits to the factory, together with Uwe Hochgeschurtz, head of Stellantis’ European activities. An opportunity to take stock not only of the productions, but also of the projects that want to create the circular economy hub at Mirafiori to give a new life to still usable parts and components.

The disappointment of the unions

No meeting, however, with the unions. “Even if they will never admit it, this is the result of the struggles, strikes, assemblies, leaflets and the tiring but profitable trip to Paris – say the representatives of Fiom at Mirafiori via social channels -. However, they did not want to hear from the representatives, true , of male and female workers. But we continue”.

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