Balance sheet for the 2023 social election

Hans-Jürgen Urban, executive board member of IG Metall: “The good thing is that IG Metall has increased its voting shares. We will be the voice of the insured in the event of contradictions, ensure that funds are used fairly and keep an eye on the administration.

Despite all the publicity for social elections, turnout is poor and cannot be sugarcoated. Social self-government and control by the insured is indispensable, but social elections have no future like this. The effort and income of the election procedure for a few insurance companies are disproportionate. A substantive election campaign is hardly possible due to the legal requirements and many list names advertise misleadingly.

The fact is: the social election is only held for a minority of health and pension insurance companies. The vast majority of self-governments also function without a time-consuming postal vote.”

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