@Nissan: Senior Management Appointment001094

June 27, 2023

YOKOHAMA, Japan – Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.’s board of directors today, after the annual general meeting of shareholders, selected representative executive officer, executive officer, board chair and vice board chair, committee chair and members as of June 27. Also, independent outside directors today selected the lead independent outside director as of June 27.

1. Representative executive officerAppointed Makoto Uchida as representative executive officer.

2. Executive officerAppointed as follows.

3. Board chair and vice board chairAppointed Yasushi Kimura as board chair, and Jean-Dominique Senard as vice board chair.

4. Committee chair and membersAppointed as follows.
1) Nomination Committee

2) Compensation Committee

3) Audit Committee

5. Lead independent outside directorAppointed Bernard Delmas as the lead independent outside director.


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