Mind-Control Drugs & Travel Safety: Medellin Tours Recommends Essential Travel Tips

Source: Medellin-Tours.com

MEDELLIN, Colombia , June 28, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — There are many safety concerns for travelers to foreign places. For solo travelers looking to intermingle with locals, and perhaps meet a new partner, there are ominous threats to consider, especially when using a dating app.

Dating apps conceal a hidden danger that many fail to recognize – the rise of honey trap scams. These scams involve individuals being drugged, kidnapped, and robbed or worse. Adding to the severity of these crimes in some areas is the use of scopolamine, a mind-control drug known as the “Devil’s Breath.”

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Adding to the severity of these crimes is the use of scopolamine, a mind-control drug known as the “Devil’s Breath.”

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Honey trap scams begin seemingly innocently, with an attractive individual connecting with a potential target on a dating app, often someone who seems wealthy. Unbeknownst to the victim, they are being targeted by a criminal group. During the meetup, the scammer discreetly administers a drug like scopolamine, rendering the victim suggestible and compliant. Financial information and personal details are coerced from the victim, often without their knowledge.

Beyond drugging and robbery, honey trap scams can escalate to heinous acts, including sexual assault and murder. The increasingly popular use of drugs like scopolamine have only made the situation worse. Victims lose control soon after ingesting the drug, becoming totally compliant and unable to resist requests or recommendations. The drug induces a zombie-like state, making victims appear lucid and happy but physically capable of normal tasks.

Capturing honey trap scam perpetrators is challenging due to drug-induced memory loss. Victims wake up disoriented, with drained bank accounts and not much evidence to go on. Recognizing warning signs is crucial. Profiles with stock images and unusual requests or questions should raise red flags.

Follow these tips by Medellin Tours to increase chances of personal safety while both traveling in South America and when dating strangers:

Avoid going out alone; bring a friend or stay in public spaces.
Never leave food or drinks unattended; be cautious of strangers offering food/beverages.
Share live locations with trusted contacts and consider hiring local guides in unfamiliar areas.
Avoid leaving public venues for private locations with strangers.

Honey trap scams pose risks worldwide. Educating oneself and taking preventive measures to stay safe is vital in today’s world. By spreading awareness, we can fight these threats and protect ourselves and others in our communities.

SOURCE Medellin-Tours.com

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