@Groupe PSA: OP victory for the sense of community000549

If that’s not cool timing! Just a few days after the sharpened, self-confident lightning bolt was presented, the new, energetic logo was emblazoned on the black and white shirts of 640 colleagues at the 10th Opel company run on Thursday evening (June 29) – at that mass sports event in Rüsselsheim, which stands for the energy of the company as well as the energy of the brand.

“The feeling of mutual support is central to the Opel company run,” says Opel CEO Florian Huettl, “that’s exactly what we take with us into our everyday work, because only together can we make a difference and bring Opel further forward.” The message is accordingly on the Opel running shirts: “FOREVER FORWARD”. In capital letters. Bold & Pure.

A strong team: 640 employees from Opel and Stellantis are starting, including Opel CEO Florian Huettl, Head of Marketing Rebecca Reinermann, Director of Human Resources and Labor Ralph Wangemann, Head of Communications Harald Hamprecht, Head of Sales at Opel Christophe Mandon, Tobias Gubitz, SVP Product and Pricing and Opel Germany brand boss Mario Koehler.

Community: It is an incomparable sense of community that characterizes the event.

Electrifying: The Astra – fully electric for the first time in its long history of success – flanks the event.

Progressive: The sharpened new lightning bolt is emblazoned on the Opel running shirts of the almost 650 colleagues.

“Together we can make a difference and bring Opel further forward.”
– Opel CEO Florian Huettl –

Another lettering adorns the Opel running shirts for the first time – “Diversity & Inclusion”. It is no coincidence that this message is placed prominently above the names of the sponsors: “Diversity is above everything,” says Julia Schad. She is responsible for establishing and promoting diversity throughout the Group in Germany. And diversity also includes the togetherness of all age groups.

Mixed ages like never before
A topic that is particularly important to Julia Schad. Because: “Mixed-age teams are also becoming more and more important in our working environment: Four generations are currently working under one roof – more than ever before.” The company run is the perfect opportunity to celebrate team spirit together – across generations, says Julia Schad.

It starts! The traditional starting point for the Opel company run is the Rüsselsheim stadium on Sommerdamm.

The special spirit is omnipresent: Many generations come together in the “SC A-Team”.

“A matter of honour!”: Ingolf Schneider, former head of Opel lighting technology (right), is at the starting line for the “Opel Lighting Technology 2” team.

The first and only Opel Rocks e‑XTREME: Colleagues pose in front of the unique Rocks Electric.

In total, more than 165 Opel and Stellantis four-man teams as well as 141 teams from other companies will be at the start.

“The Opel company run is the perfect opportunity to celebrate team spirit across generations.”
– Julia Schad, Diversity & Inclusion –

Sometimes the pacemaker is 14, sometimes 73
The “SC A-Team” team, for example, shows how it’s done: Three generations are at the start here – not least because Jörg Günther brought his 14-year-old son Felix into the team as a pacemaker. Ira Anders from the “Opel Lichttechnik 2” team, on the other hand, runs alongside 73-year-old Peter Schmit, who also coaches her at LG Rüsselsheim. It was only possible for her to cross the finish line after 39 minutes “because Peter pulled me along the whole time.”

And he’s not even the oldest senior in the starting field. 80-year-old Klaus Wagner, also an experienced running trainer at LG Rüsselsheim, completed the circuit in 31:04 minutes. The secret of his fitness: “I’ve been running for 40 years, and I also go to the gym twice a week.” And so all generations are at the start of the tenth edition of the mass sports event: from the “baby boomers” to the generation X, the Millennials to the current “Generation Z”.

Past the factory premises: Stefan Antweiler lives up to his team name “BenchMark” with a target time of 34:55 minutes.

Varied prospects: The running route also leads through the center of Rüsselsheim.

Water, please! In summer temperatures, cooling off at the supply station is in great demand.

Idyllic: Along the Mainwiesen it goes on the circuit back to the Sommerdamm stadium.

“It’s a matter of honor for me to be here alongside my colleagues today.”
– Ingolf Schneider, former head of Opel lighting technology –

However, the reality is much more complex than the rough division into generations, explains Thorsten Neeb from “Opel Team Lichttechnik 2”, who unfortunately had to retire due to a short-term foot injury, but supports his team “mentally” at the start and finish. “Developments are progressing so quickly today – even colleagues who were born only five years after me have a completely different affinity for electronic media than I do.” learn,” adds Jörg Günther from the “SC A-Team”.

80 years is the benchmark
The commitment of Ingolf Schneider also shows that the Opel team spirit is sustainable. The long-standing head of Opel lighting technology began the passive part of his semi-retirement a few months ago: “But being part of the company run alongside my colleagues is a matter of honor for me.” The women’s trio of Angelika Wust, Benedikte Roberz and Martina Geiger also took part the “poisoner” would not want to do without her 63-year-old pacemaker Hartmut Drescher in the future. “Even though you will be retired, we still need you here in the team,” says Martina Geiger. Because she has just found out that an 80-year-old was also at the start: “From now on, he will be your benchmark.”

Mirrored joy: Afterwards everyone met on the home stretch for the after-run party. The winners were also honored here.

Threatening retirement: The “Poison Mixer” ladies don’t want to do without their pacemaker Hartmut Drescher in the future either.

Done! Time out after the 5.7 kilometer run.

Watch comparison at the finish: And how did it go for you?

The organizers Julie Rougeon (left) and Louise Sans are happy about the successful event.

“Even though you’ll be retired, we still need you here on the team.”
– Martina Geiger, Head of Materials Development Laboratory –

Last but not least, the winner must be honored: Carlo Nenast from the Opel team “Worst Pace Scenario” sprints to the finish after 5.6 kilometers and 19:05 minutes. The fastest women’s team were the “winners from 2019”. The runners came – all four running results added – to a target time of 01:44:46 hours. In the men’s category, the “Physioteam Breul 1” took the lead with a total time of 01:28:27 hours.

And the participants of the fastest mixed team “Opel Tria Oldies” completed the 5.7 kilometer route in a total of 01:31:45 hours. All those present and those celebrating also paid tribute to the senior team “The old sweaty feet”. At 295 years old, the runners were the oldest team in the anniversary company run.

July 2023
Text: Eric Scherer, photos: Alex Heimann

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