Planned lowering of the income limit for parental allowance jeopardizes successes in equality policy

Christiane Benner, Deputy Chairwoman of IG Metall: We consider the planned lowering of the income limit for parental allowance to be a big mistake! The coalition is thus jeopardizing the equality policy successes of recent years and is forcing many women out of work.

Photo: IG Metall

Photo: IG Metall

July 5, 20235. 7. 2023

Christiane Benner, Deputy Chairwoman of IG Metall: “We consider the planned lowering of the income limit for parental allowance to be a big mistake! The coalition is thus jeopardizing the equality policy successes of recent years and is forcing many women out of the workforce and back into traditional roles.

Works councils in the organizational area of ​​IG Metall have been reporting for some time that fathers are taking less or no parental leave, also due to high inflation and the associated costs. One of the reasons for this is that parental allowance is stagnating at the 2007 level. In the coalition agreement, it was also agreed to make the minimum and maximum rates for parental allowance dynamic. Instead of implementing this plan, the circle of beneficiaries should now also be restricted. This will lead to a substantial step backwards in terms of equality policy and urgently needs to be reconsidered!”

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