With “ACI Sara Go!” getting around Rome and Milan has never been so easy


A single app to choose routes and the ideal mix of public and private transport, booking and paying for taxis, public transport tickets and passes, scooters, bikes, kick scooters and parking

From today, getting around Rome will be much easier. Thanks to “ACI-Sara Go!” – the new digital inter-mobility management app – it will in fact be possible to integrate, in real time, private mobility, Local Public Transport, taxis, scooters, bicycles, shared scooters and paid parking.

Thanks to a latest generation platform and intuitive and extremely simple to use graphics, users will be able not only to choose the best route to reach their destination, but also to decide on the ideal combination of different means of transport (private car, bus, metro , taxis, scooters, bicycles, kick scooters), buy local public transport tickets and season tickets, book and pay for taxis, book, extend and pay for parking on the blue lines.

“ACI-Sara Go!” – soon operational also in Milan and then in other important Italian cities – was developed in partnership with MyCicero and MooneyGo, as part of the “MaaS4Italy” project (“Mobility as a Service for Italy” to which the PNRR dedicates investments for, overall , 60 million euros). “Moving around today – declared the President of the Automobile Club of Italy, Angelo Sticchi Damiani – above all means ease and speed of movement, safety, energy saving, respect for the environment, economy. Objectives that, thanks to apps like “ACI-Sara Go!”, leave the plane of dreams and enter that of reality”.

“Until recently, in fact – recalled Sticchi Damiani – having the possibility of choosing the best route and the best combination of public transport, private cars and sharing just a click away on your smartphone, and being able not only to book but also to prepay carriers and rest areas would have been unthinkable”. “Today – concluded the President of ACI – all of this is reality. A reality capable not only of changing our way of moving around the city for the better, but also of significantly reducing the weight and social, energy and environmental costs of the need for mobility in an increasingly mobile society like ours” .

“The natural evolution of our services – explained the President of the Automobile Club Milano and ACI Infomobility, Geronimo La Russa – led us to the development of an App in a MaaS key”. “For years, in fact – added La Russa – ACI Infomobility has been offering citizens free services for an increasingly safe, sustainable and simpler mobility. We will continue to invest in advanced technological solutions that simplify everyday travel”.

“At Sara we have always looked at new mobility trends by encouraging virtuous behavior through innovative value-added services, with particular attention to road safety and the most vulnerable users. For this reason we are very proud to support the Maas4Italy project to promote the multimodality and sustainability of citizens’ movements, thanks to the synergistic action with the different realities of the ACI world and the collaboration between the public and private sectors” declared Alberto Tosti, General Manager by Sara Insurance.

These are the links to download ACI-Sara Go!:



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