@Groupe PSA: OP The Dream of Rom000556

A rarely beautiful dream leads us to Rome. Three o’clock in the morning. Italy’s heart beats slower, recovering from the hectic day. Only a few taxis scurry across the wide streets, the last dancers stagger home. In the shadow of the Colosseum, newlyweds are chirping. The famous amphitheater is illuminated by a sea of ​​lights – making it appear even larger. At this moment the world stands still for Jens. He parks his golden Opel GT in front of the Colosseum, as he has dreamed of doing umpteen times. And holds his breath.

His dream goes back to the point when he realized that an Opel GT was missing from his life. The flat sports car that first took hearts by storm 55 years ago. And like no flash before. The success story has to do with Opel’s first design studio, which started work in the early 1960s. Erhard Schnell’s team wanted to show what they were capable of. They gratefully accepted the idea of ​​a small, inexpensive sports car. The resulting “Experimental GT” study delighted almost every visitor at the 1965 IAA. However, nobody believed that Opel would actually build the wedge.

Jens Cooper, project manager at Opel Classic, also had little hope when he searched through the early 2000s and couldn’t find a suitable Opel GT. Either the oldies were too worn out, too botched or simply too expensive. Then in 2015 he got a tip – a Belgian GT connoisseur had spotted an advert in Italy. A GT from 1969 was offered on the classifieds portal subito.it. A 1900 in gold. In the ad, the car was at an Opel dealership in Rome. The pictures looked promising, the price was fair. Jens knew he couldn’t wait long. So he took vacation the next day – and went to Rome.

Sheet metal dress decides about joy and sorrow
As fans should know: The technology is never the problem with an Opel GT, as it is the DNA of the Opel Kadett B. Solid bulk goods. The sheet metal body often decides about joy and sorrow – at that time mostly manufactured by the French coachbuilder Brissonneau & Lotz. Rust or poorly repaired accident damage destroys any nice relationship with a used GT.

The journey is the goal: the two-seater masters the trip without any problems.

“Bella macchina”: The GT is also well received at the toll station.

The best-known photo motif in Tuscany: the coupe is parked in Pisa early in the morning.

“Only flying is nicer” – an advertising slogan that became so popular for a reason.

The original documents are still preserved. The black Roman number plates must have suited the GT very well.

A thorough polish, some love for the technique – and the GT is exactly how Jens wanted it to be.

Back to the golden specimen that Jens finally marveled at after a long drive. After years of searching, his eye is trained, so he quickly notices that the car has been repainted. He assumes it’s because of a fender bender, but can’t quickly find any scars in the fender. Nevertheless, his joy at the optically worn specimen is restrained. So he says goodbye to the seller, drinks another double espresso and then rushes back to the Rhein-Main area. After more than 1000 kilometers he jumps into bed – and broods. Should I have bought it after all? A gold GT with only two previous owners that looks acceptable except for the paint job?

How proud must the Signore have been?
The next morning the feeling is still there. Two days later he calls the dealer in Rome and buys the car. When the GT is finally in his garage, the doubts are gone. At second glance, it’s a really good car. A thorough polish, some love for the technique – and the GT is exactly how Jens wanted it to be. Piece by piece, he works his way through the folder of papers that came with the Opel. And he checks that the first buyer was 60 years old when he ordered the golden GT in Rome. How proud the guy must have been when he strolled through the streets of the Italian capital with this sled in 1970. Jens is fascinated by this thought. And slowly the dream grows in him of one day strolling through Rome in the golden GT.

The fine man’s yacht: The GT in the port of XY.

Mini repair: A rear light bulb has to be replaced.

The route leads past Florence with its masterpieces of the Renaissance.

Through fantastically beautiful avenues of Tuscany.

Jens steers his GT to the brightly lit Colosseum. It’s like in his dream. only nicer.

Seven years later, the time has come. We meet at a gas station at dawn, drink coffee and smile. Jens drew a nice route on an old map. It leads from Frankfurt via Basel to Lake Constance – and over the Stilfser Joch. To serve up some delicious curves to the GT. The last stage towards the capital awaits behind Lake Garda. When we reach the city limits of Rome, it is just before midnight. The GT sounds robust, Jens’ eyes light up. The hotel bed? Can wait. The two are now taking a big tour of the city on the seven hills. At some point Jens steers his GT to the brightly lit Colosseum. It’s like in his dream. only nicer.

Back in Rome: like in a dream. only nicer. The GT was first registered here in 1970.

Backdrop full: The 1.22 meter flat body in front of a brightly lit building.

July 2023

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