ACI, the Department of Public Safety, Luiss and Assosharing together for road safety

ACI, the Department of Public Safety, Luiss and Assosharing together for road safety


Memorandum of Understanding signed in Rome

The State Police, the Luiss Guido Carli University, Assosharing and ACI – Automobile Club d’Italia have signed a Memorandum of Understanding at the Luiss Campus in Viale Pola to develop awareness-raising initiatives dedicated to spreading the culture of safe driving.

The ceremony was attended by the Chief of Police – General Director of Public Security Vittorio Pisani, the General Director of the Luiss Guido Carli University Giovanni Lo Storto, the President of ACI Angelo Sticchi Damiani and the President of Assosharing Matteo Tanzilli.

The Protocol provides for the organization of awareness-raising interventions dedicated to the entire Luiss community: students, teachers, staff and collaborators. Training and information courses on road safety issues will also be created for students.

During the Freshers’ Week, from 4 to 8 September 2023, the first activities envisaged by the protocol will see university and high school students attending the last week of the Luiss Summer School try their hand at practical actions and interactive lessons on road safety issues.

Starting from the next academic year, the Traffic Police will carry out training interventions, held by qualified personnel, dedicated to the prevention of road accidents, also through the use of the Blue Pullman of the State Police, the itinerant multimedia classroom on board which it will be possible to use simulators, viewers and special equipment that will reproduce the effect of driving while intoxicated to make drivers aware of the risks deriving from the adoption of incorrect driving behaviour.

The activities proposed by ACI, on the other hand, will focus on the construction, promotion and dissemination of the culture of responsible and sustainable mobility, while the companies associated with Assosharing will be involved in test-drives and theoretical and practical demonstrations to develop a safe driving approach, even behind the wheel of shared cars.

“Too often, young lives are lost on the roads due to reckless and irresponsible driving behaviour. On the occasion of the start of the new academic year, we therefore decided to create a memorandum of understanding, involving all the players in the road safety system, to raise awareness among the entire Luiss community.

Awareness and attention to the behaviors to follow and those to avoid when driving are increasingly necessary”, declared the Director General of the University Giovanni Lo Storto.

The Chief of Police – General Director of Public Safety Vittorio Pisani observed: “It is always a joy and a prestige for the Traffic Police to be called upon to make our citizens aware of road traffic safety. Therefore, great applause goes to Luiss for the attention shown in taking on this commitment for its university community. So many tragedies and so much pain could be avoided with the simple respect of the rules by each of us. Special thanks to Assosharing and ACI for their constant willingness to jointly build paths of legality to protect human life”.

“Road safety education and awareness of compliance with the rules are the pillars of the activity of Assosharing and its associated companies. These are issues deeply felt by this Government and, in particular, by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, which has asked the sector for a specific commitment on this issue which the Association has accepted by signing this Memorandum of Understanding, the first at national level. The initiative launched with Luiss, the State Police and Aci represents, in fact, the paradigm for a profitable convergence between different but complementary realities, such as Operators and Institutions, and is aimed precisely at young people who use micro-mobility as quick travel solutions”, declared the President of Assosharing Matteo Tanzilli.

“Educating on road safety is essential. And it is essential to start from the new generations. Between the ages of 15 and 29, in fact, the first cause of death is accidents. A drama against which we can do a great deal, as demonstrated by the fact that, from 2001 to 2021, deaths on our roads decreased by 60%. A project like this, therefore, can really make a difference: help us save thousands of lives and create an increasingly aware, responsible and safe generation of road users,” said ACI President Angelo Sticchi Damiani.

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