Interim report, 1 January-30 June 2023

Interim report, 1 January-30 June 2023

GÖTEBORG, Sweden, Aug. 24, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — 

Continued divestments in a strong vessel market

Total income
            Q2: SEK 114.7 (180.8) million
            HY1: SEK 210.3 (304.9) million
            Q2: SEK 72.1 (102.7) million
            HY1: SEK 109.8 (132.4) million
Result before tax
            Q2: SEK 43.3 (36.5) million
            HY1: SEK 46.3 (6.0) million
Result per share after tax
            Q2: SEK 0.78 (0.75)
            HY1: SEK 0.84 (0.11)

Events in the second quarter

Sale and delivery of Stena Penguin.

Events after the end of the quarter

Sale of Stena Premium and Stena Progress.
Delivery to the buyers of Stena Premium. 

Key figures Jan-Jun 2023

Total income, SEK million: 210.3 (304.9)
            of which result from ship sales 118.4 (39.0)
EBITDA, SEK million: 109.8 (132.4)
EBITDA, USD million: 10.5 (13.8)
Operating result, SEK million: 69.2 (46.5)
Result before tax, SEK million: 46.3 (6.0)
Result after tax, SEK million: 40.0 (5.2)
Equity ratio, %: 55 (20)
Return on equity, %: 39 (neg)
Available liquid funds, including unutilised credit facilities, SEK million: 189.7 (88.9)
Result per share after tax, SEK: 0.84 (0.11)
Equity per share, SEK: 9.78 (7.18)
Lost-time injuries: 0 (0)

This information is information that Concordia Maritime Aktiebolag (publ) is obliged to publish in accordance with the EU Market Abuse Regulation and the Swedish Securities Market Act. The information was provided by the contact person above for publication on 24 August 2023 at 10.00 CEST.


For more information, please contact:
Erik Lewenhaupt
CEO, Concordia Maritime AB
Mob: +46 704 855 188
E-post: [email protected]

Martin Nerfeldt
CFO, Concordia Maritime AB
Tel: +45 88 938 661
Mob: +46 704 85 50 07
E-post: [email protected]

The following files are available for download:

SOURCE Concordia Maritime

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