The holiday period marks registrations with a slight increase of 8% in August

Sales of passenger cars and SUVs accumulated up to August 642,580 units, 20.5% more than the previous year, but still 27% lower than the pre-pandemic records in 2019

Registrations of light commercial vehicles fell 1.2% in August, with 8,931 sales

Sales of industrial vehicles, buses, coaches and minibuses grew 87.8% in August with 2,643 units

Madrid, September 1, 2023. Sales of passenger cars and SUVs achieved new growth in August with a total of 55,957 units, representing an increase of 7.8%. The summer holiday period tends to condition the market with a lower sales volume than the rest of the months, however, it manages to slightly improve the sales of the previous year, which were barely above 50,000 units. In the year as a whole, the national market already has a total of 642,580 units, 20.5% more than the previous year. It is a good figure, but it must not be forgotten that we come from a 2022 financial year in which only 814,000 passenger cars were sold; and that, with the data from January to August of this year, the market is still 27% below the figures prior to the pandemic, registered in 2019.

The average CO2 emissions of passenger cars sold in August remain at 116 grams of CO2 per kilometer traveled, 5% lower than the average emissions of new passenger cars sold in the same month of 2022. During 2023, emissions are at 118.3 grams of CO2 per kilometer travelled, 2.4% less than the same period of the previous year.

The growth registered in August is mainly driven by sales to individuals and companies. Both channels registered an increase of 19.5% and 5.7% of sales, with a total of 29,823 units aimed at individuals and 22,945 at companies. For its part, the market aimed at the rental channel suffered a significant decrease of 39.2%, to 3,189 units. This low demand is explained by the fact that the rental companies make their purchases in the months prior to the summer tourist campaign.


Registrations of light commercial vehicles fell in the eighth month with 8,931 units, 1.2% less than last year. Until August, a total of 93,703 vehicles have been sold, representing an increase of 21.2%. By channels, only sales to companies managed to grow, with an increase of 15.7%. For their part, the self-employed with -26% and sales to rental companies with -30.5%, fail to improve the records of the previous year.


In August, registrations of industrial vehicles, buses, coaches and minibuses maintained their upward trend and achieved strong growth of 87.8%, up to 2,643 units. In the total for the year, 20,710 units were added, representing an increase of 30.8% compared to 2022. By type, industrial vehicles recorded 2,535 new sales, improving 93.4% in August. Similarly, sales of buses, coaches and minibuses grew by 19.6%, with 128 registered units.


Félix García, director of communication and marketing at ANFAC, explained that “August closes positively, although its volume is not high as it is the holiday month par excellence. In all months of 2023, the figures of last year have been exceeded. Being a good figure, we must not fall into conformism, since we come from a 2022 in which only 814,000 passenger cars were sold. And let’s not forget that the market is still more than 25% below that of 2019. The market has grown so far this year at a double-digit rate, but in recent months the growth has been less. This leads us to believe that inflation, high interest rates and the uncertainty of not having a government may slow down purchases in the last quarter of the year and jeopardize reaching the forecast of 950,000 that we have for the entire year. With a market below one million units, it is difficult to renew the fleet that is over 14 years old”.

Raúl Morales, communication director of FACONAUTO, indicated that “August saw a new month of growth in vehicle registrations in our country and there are now eight consecutive months, thanks largely to the good performance of the private channel that has monopolized the 50% of all sales. This has been to the detriment of the behavior of the business channel and the channel of vehicle rental companies, which had been boosting the market in our country, but which in the month of August have performed worse, even falling. Of the vehicle registrations for the month of August, it is worth highlighting the good performance of electric vehicles, which increased their registrations by 150%, but making one point, and that is that 50% of these registrations correspond to companies. The pending issue in our country is for individuals to buy more electric vehicles and that is why it seems essential to us that there be continuity in the MOVES Plan. The MOVES III Plan ends on December 31 and the current interim government or a delay in the formation of a new Executive may compromise the renewal of this plan, which would surely lead to a halt in the sales of electric vehicles that we cannot afford. ».

According to GANVAM’s communication director, Tania Puche, highlighted that “”what is remarkable about the behavior of vehicle registrations in August is that the positive sign that we have been marking throughout 2023 is maintained and, although we cannot lose sight of that we are still around 25% below pre-pandemic levels, there are already eight consecutive months of growth. In general terms, August is usually a month with lower sales due to the holiday period and this also explains why the rental companies -which have been renewing their fleet very intensively in recent months to respond to demand- have slowed down their purchases in summer . Looking ahead to the coming months, it is important that the market continue to rise and not weaken. Hence the need to achieve political stability as soon as possible, since the new government must implement the necessary measures to recover a market that in 2023 will close below one million units for the fourth consecutive year”.

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