Accelerated planning and approval procedures would be a free investment package

In a joint letter to the leaders of the SPD, FDP, Bündnis’90/Die Grünen and CDU/CSU parliamentary groups, the Federation of German Industries (BDI) and IG Metall called for the necessary investment wave for trigger the transformation. “The climate-neutral transformation must pick up much more speed,” write Jörg Hofmann, 1st Chairman of IG Metall and Prof. Dr. Siegfried Russwurm, President of the BDI.

Within a few years, more than 20,000 additional approval procedures for the conversion of industrial plants and industrial infrastructures would have to be granted in companies. Added to this is the need to drastically accelerate the expansion of renewable energies and the gas and electricity grids.

“This cannot be achieved with the current planning and approval process. Accelerating and digitizing is more urgent than ever for the modernization of Germany. I welcome the fact that Chancellor Scholz has taken up the topic in today’s general debate in the Bundestag and has proposed a new pace for Germany. But now it has to be concrete,” said Wolfgang Lemb, executive board member, at a symposium of the Network Future of Industry on Wednesday in Berlin.

“The acceleration of planning and approval procedures can release significant relief for the state and economy and would have the effect of a free investment package,” emphasized BDI Managing Director Tanja Gönner at this event.

The event of the future of industry network via the website can be followed live until 4 p.m. and accessed there later.

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