ACI: use increased in September but radiation fell yet again


Positive balance in September for the Italian second-hand vehicle market. Changes of ownership of cars net of mini-transfers (temporary transfers in the name of the dealer pending resale to the end customer) recorded an increase of 6% compared to the month of September 2022, which rises to 11% in terms of daily average due to the presence of one less working day. The monthly data confirm that the used market continues to gather more support than the new market: for every 100 new cars in September, 188 used ones were sold (182 in the first nine months of the year).

A plus sign also for the net passages of motorcycles, which recorded an increase of 7.7% compared to the month of September 2022, which also in this case rises to 12.8% in terms of daily average.

As regards food, consumer preferences, for the umpteenth time, have fallen on traditional fuels (diesel and petrol); the share of second-hand petrol hybrid cars, however, stood at 4.7%, with an increase of 62.5%, while that of diesel hybrids, although growing by 98.1%, only reached 0 .8%, and that of electric ones, growing by 47.5%, does not exceed 0.6%. Finally, the share of second-hand petrol/LPG cars is increasing (+12.3% and an incidence on the total of 7.8%).

In mini-transfers, diesel cars confirmed their first place (50.1% share in September, however decreasing compared to the same month in 2022, when it was 52.1%). The incidence of hybrid petrol fuel systems instead rises to 8.3%, with volumes more than doubled, surpassing for the first time that of bi-fuel petrol/LPG which stands at 7.2%.

In the first nine months of 2023 compared to the same period of 2022, net transfers show increases of 6.6% for cars and 4.7% for all vehicles, compared to a decrease of 1.4% for motorcycles .

The data is reported in the latest monthly bulletin “Auto-Trend”, the statistical analysis carried out by the Automobile Club of Italy on PRA data, which can be consulted on the website

The worrying growth of the Italian fleet continues in September as well. Car write-offs recorded a decrease of 6.3% compared to the same month in 2022 (determined in particular by a 7.3% drop in scrapping). Better result in terms of daily average (-1.8%), but still in negative territory. The unit replacement rate was equal to 0.64 in the month of September (for every 100 new cars, 64 were removed) and 0.62 in the first nine months of 2023. The cancellations of motorcycles also decreased, closing the balance sheet of September with a drop of 7.8% (-3.4% in terms of daily average).

Overall, from January to September 2023, compared to the same months of 2022, radiation recorded decreases of 8.1% for cars, 0.1% for motorcycles and 7.5% for all vehicles.

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