Minesto at the official opening of Menter Mon Morlais Ltd substation, Wales

GOTHENBURG, Sweden, Oct. 20, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Today Minesto were invited to attend the official opening of Menter Mon Morlais Ltd substation, Wales’s first tidal stream energy site.

“Minesto were invited to attend the official opening by the First Minister Mark Drakeford of Menter Mon Morlais Ltd substation today, 

It was a pleasure to participate in such a significant milestone for the tidal energy sector in North Wales. As a local tidal energy developer based in Holyhead, the Morlais development is good news for enabling the development of the build out of tidal energy and local employment opportunities in Wales.

Minesto is happy to collaborate with Morlais in supporting the growth of tidal energy development in Wales and we look forward to utilising Morlais infrastructure in due course, said Louise Marsden, Site & Business Manager at Minesto UK.

Energy site official opening | Morlais (morlaisenergy.com)

Gwahoddwyd Minesto i fynychu’r agoriad swyddogol gan y Prif Weinidog Mark Drakeford o is-orsaf Menter Môn Morlais Ltd heddiw,

Roedd yn bleser cymryd rhan mewn carreg filltir mor arwyddocaol i’r sector ynni llanw yng Ngogledd Cymru. Fel datblygwr ynni llanw lleol sydd wedi’i leoli yng Nghaergybi, mae datblygiad Morlais yn newyddion da ar gyfer galluogi datblygu’r gwaith o adeiladu ynni llanw a chyfleoedd cyflogaeth leol yng Nghymru.

Mae Minesto yn hapus i gydweithio â Morlais i gefnogi twf datblygiad ynni llanw yng Nghymru ac edrychwn ymlaen at ddefnyddio seilwaith Morlais maes o law”, meddai Louise Marsden, Rheolwr Safle a Busnes Minesto UK. 

Agoriad swyddogol safle ynni | Morlais (morlaisenergy.com)

For additional information, please contact

Cecilia Sernhage, Chief Communications Officer

+46 735 23 71 58


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