Legal-Bay Lawsuit Funding Launches New Site to Cater to Discrimination Lawsuit Plaintiffs and Victims of Wrongful Termination

Pre-Settlement Lawsuit Cash Advance Firm expands their team to handle more cases involving discrimination in the workplace and wrongful termination.

LOS ANGELES, Oct. 23, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Legal-Bay LLC, The Lawsuit Pre Settlement Funding Company, announced today that they have launched a new website dedicated solely to discrimination lawsuit funding requests and cases involving wrongful termination or abuse and harassment in the workplace. As of late, cases have been on the rise when it comes to prejudiced, discriminatory, and abusive behavior in the workplace. It is for this reason that Legal-Bay has expanded their team in order to handle the higher intake and assist victims of these types of heinous cases. This discrimination can include equal pay / compensation, national origin, pregnancy, race, age, American Disability Act or ADA, or religious discrimination.

Legal-Bay is a leader in lawsuit cash advance funding, known to many as the best lawsuit loan company in the industry for their helpful and knowledgeable staff, and one of the best lawsuit loan companies overall for their low rates and quick turnaround. Legal-Bay funds various types of cases, but they have a particularly strong dedication to assisting victims of wrongful termination, workplace discrimination, office abuse, corporate abuse, bullying in the workplace, employee harassment, and discrimination cases in general—even outside of work.

Most legal finance companies don’t fund these types of cases as they tend to be complex in nature and often involve the employer fighting the case at all costs. However, this only strengthens Legal-Bay’s commitment to plaintiffs involved in such lawsuits, as this type of case often leaves the victim feeling dejected and without any income. In some cases, the discrimination, harassment, abuse, or wrongful termination may even impact the victim’s ability to get a new job.

Chris Janish, CEO commented, “We are seeing so many California, New York, and New Jersey wrongful termination and discrimination case applications of late that we have added more support to this area of complex litigation. These employment type cases can be worth millions of dollars in settlements if the victim has substantial lost wage claims and is no longer able to work or obtain a new job.”   

Legal-Bay understands this dynamic all too well, therefore going above and beyond to help the victim obtain the lawsuit loan or pre-settlement loan or settlement lawsuit cash advance they so desperately need to resume their lives with dignity. Legal-Bay’s wrongful termination and discrimination team is here to evaluate your case quickly and approve you for pre-settlement funding immediately—sometimes within hours.

To learn more, or to apply for your discrimination pre-settlement or wrongful termination settlement cash advance now, please visit Legal-Bay’s page dedicated solely to these types of cases at:

Legal-Bay is well-versed in this area, and has funded countless wrongful termination and discrimination lawsuit plaintiffs over the last two decades. Most recently, Legal-Bay aided plaintiffs in the Merrill Lynch Black Broker discrimination suit, which was the largest discrimination lawsuit settlement in U.S. history. Whether you need $1K or $100K, Legal-Bay is here to help you today.

Chris Janish, CEO of Legal-Bay, commented, “We get so many calls with people asking, ‘How do I make my job pay for this unfair or abusive treatment’ or ‘How do I get my employer to answer for what they did to me?’ The answer is simpler than they think. All they need to do is call Legal-Bay so one of our experienced reps can verify their claim and start the funding approval process. Legal-Bay will be on their side from the very first moment of that phone call. Right up until we get cash in their hands so they can pay their bills after losing or quitting their job due to unfair and unethical treatment and practices.”

To apply right now for the quick approval process on your discrimination lawsuit settlement loan, wrongful termination pre-settlement funding request, or any other type of discrimination or wrongful termination pending settlement funding request, please call Legal-Bay’s 24-hour hotline at 877.571.0405 or visit:

Legal-Bay gets countless calls from people asking for a lawsuit loan, loan on lawsuit, loan on settlement, loans on pre settlements, etc. However, Legal-Bay’s cash advances are not a lawsuit loan, a fast loan on pending lawsuit, a settlement loan, or a pre-settlement loan, as there is no recourse if the client loses their case. The lawsuit funding advances are pre-settlement or settlement cash advances that a party only pays back if and when they win their case.

Don’t hesitate to get the compensation you deserve and call Legal-Bay today, at: 877.571.0405.


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