IG Metall trade union conference elects new management team

Frankfurt am Main – The over 400 delegates to the 25th Ordinary Trade Union Congress of IG Metall reorganized the leadership of IG Metall on Monday. As the first woman in the union’s history, Christiane Benner (55) is the new first chairwoman. She received 96.4 percent of the votes. The new second chairman is Jürgen Kerner (54). He received 95.6 percent of the votes. The trade union congress also decided that one of the two chairs must continue to be held by a woman.

The new main cashier of IG Metall is Nadine Boguslawski (45). She received 87.4 percent of the votes. 95.2 percent of delegates confirmed Hans-Jürgen Urban (62) as executive board member. The new executive board member became Ralf Reinstädtler (57) with 92.2 percent of the votes.

New political responsibilities in the team

As first chairwoman, Christiane Benner will be responsible for the fundamental issues and social policy as well as the operational policy of IG Metall. Jürgen Kerner, as second chairman, heads the areas of industrial policy, industry work, communication and members. Nadine Boguslawski will lead IG Metall’s collective bargaining policy, while Hans-Jürgen Urban will be responsible for the areas of social policy, work design and qualification policy. Ralf Reinstädtler leads union education work.

By changing the statutes, the delegates to the trade union conference decided to reduce the number of executive board members. Jörg Hofmann, Wolfgang Lemb, Ralf Kutzner and Irene Schulz did not stand for re-election.

Note: Further information and CVs for those elected can be found in the IG Metall press portal athttps://www.igmetall.de/presse/ig-metall-vorstand

You can find a live stream of the union conference athttps://igmetall.de/gwt-live

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