ACI and Automobile Club Salerno at the XXV Mediterranean Archaeological Tourism Exchange

ACI and Automobile Club Salerno at the XXV Mediterranean Archaeological Tourism Exchange


ACI and the Automobile Club Salerno are institutional partners of the XXV Mediterranean Archaeological Tourism Exchange, scheduled in Paestum from 2 to 5 November 2023.

In the two stands of the Automobile Club Salerno, located in front of the Paestum Museum and inside the former tobacco factory, it will be possible to try the new Ready2Go virtual driving simulator with augmented reality viewer and the ‘road safety carpet’, a path which, with the aid of special glasses, recreates the conditions of driving while intoxicated or after having taken drugs.

The busy program of the Automobile Club includes, for Thursday 2 and Friday 3 November, starting from 9.30 am at the Paeo-Christian Basilica of the Paestum Museum, the screening of a video on road safety for the benefit of school children and the speech by Vincenzo Demasi, (president of ACI Salerno) and Giovanni Caturano (director of ACI Salerno) on the main issues related to safe driving.

On Thursday 2 November starting from 3.00 pm in the Sala Nettuno, Gerardo Capozza, General Secretary of the Automobile Club of Italy, will participate in the conference: “Opportunities of European funds to enhance cultural heritage, improve the attractiveness of tourist destinations, strengthen the competitiveness of businesses” promoted by the Italy Office of the European Parliament and the Civita Association which provides for a comparison between the Regions of the Center and South and the leaders of the tourism employers’ organisations, Trenitalia and the Automobile Club of Italy.

This will be followed by conferences on “Archeology in northern Campania, between cultural proposals and equipped tourist itineraries: what are the prospects?” and “The UNESCO archaeological sites in Campania” by the Department of Administrative Simplification and Tourism and the General Directorate for Cultural Policies and Tourism of the Campania Region.

“Well, this year, tourism in our country – declared Vincenzo Demasi, president of the Automobile Club Salerno – is confirmed by the recent statistics of the sector which, after some difficult years, thanks primarily to the arrival of the pandemic, reveal how this sector is finally seeing good growth in numbers and turnover. And this, thanks especially to tourists who come from abroad, increasingly attracted by the beauties of the Bel Paese, starting with the archaeological sites and cities of art, for reach the services of our coasts and the varied gastronomic offer”.

“If on the one hand the preferred means of getting around remains the car, which allows for freedom of movement and the possibility of carrying a large amount of luggage, on the other hand it is important to know and, above all, respect the rules of the Highway Code for own and others’ safety – continued Demasi. And it is precisely in the classrooms that our Automobile Club teaches future motorists what it means to drive safely, addressing important issues that will then also be brought back to the family.”

“Archaeological tourism is an exclusive resource for our country – concluded the president of the Automobile Club Salerno – let’s promote it as best we can and make sure that, upon returning home in complete safety, it is possible to tell one’s emotions: word of mouth and photographs, in fact, still today, represent the best advertising for our unique beauties in the world”.

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