Poll Finds Overwhelming American Support for Assistance to Israel and Ukraine by NATO member countries like the US and the UK

US respondents rank the UK as America’s most strategic alliance

BOSTON, Nov. 9, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — A recent poll conducted by Emerson College on behalf of the Association of Marshall Scholars revealed strong consensus among US residents for the importance of support for Ukraine and Israel by NATO countries like the US and the UK. The findings also show bipartisan agreement on the need for AI safety protocols and a strong US-UK alliance amid rising tensions with China. The poll showed that young people (under 30) see China as the most valuable ally and strategic partner for the United States, as opposed to those respondents over 30 who saw the United Kingdom playing this role.

Support for Ukraine and Israel:
The poll finds that a majority of US residents find it crucial for NATO member countries, including the US and the UK, to maintain their support for Ukraine and Israel. 76% of respondents believe it is somewhat or very important for NATO member countries to provide support to Ukraine. Similarly, 77% find it somewhat or very important for NATO member countries to support Israel. This support held true across party lines, although with more Democrats strongly favoring NATO support for Ukraine and more Republicans strongly favoring NATO support for Israel.

Stability of US-UK Alliance:
The poll finds Americans’ perception of the US-UK relationship remains stable, with 29% believing the relationship has improved in the past five years, while 56% stating it has remained about the same. When asked about the alliance’s importance compared to five years ago, 47% think it is more important, 32% think it holds the same level of importance, and 10% think it is less important.

In the face of escalating tensions between the US and China, 93% of American respondents consider the US’ relationship with the UK to be somewhat or very important. Both Democrats and Republicans agree on the importance of US and UK leadership in developing protocols for the safe use of Artificial Intelligence, with 79% of Democrats and 78% of Republicans endorsing this notion.

For respondents over the age of 30, the UK (42%) is perceived as the most valuable ally and strategic partner for the US, followed by Canada (22%), China (16%), and Germany (7%). However, respondents under 30 see China (30%) as the most valuable ally and strategic partner for the US.

Full results and cross-tabulation are available at www.marshallscholars.org/news-and-updates/2023-poll.


All respondents in this study were part of a fully representative sample of n=1,000. Data were weighted by US population parameters. The margin of error for the sample is +/- 3% in 19 of 20 cases. The survey was administered by contacting a consumer list of emails and residents via an online panel. Data was collected between October 21-22, 2023.

About Emerson College Polling

Emerson College Polling has been ranked as one of the most accurate collegiate pollsters by Nate Silvers’ FiveThirtyEight and Bloomberg News. Emerson College Polling is a Charter Member of the American Association of Public Opinion Research (AAPOR) Transparency Initiative.

SOURCE Association of Marshall Scholars

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