To develop China-U.S. relations with sense of responsibility for history, people, world

BEIJING, Nov. 13, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — A report from People’s Daily: At the invitation of U.S. President Joe Biden, Chinese President Xi Jinping will attend a China-U.S. summit meeting and the 30th Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders’ Meeting in San Francisco.

The two Presidents will have in-depth communication on issues of strategic, overarching and fundamental importance in shaping China-U.S. relations and major issues concerning world peace and development.

It will be the first visit of Xi to the U.S. in the recent six years, and the first face-to-face meeting between the two heads of state since their Bali meeting last year. The meeting will be of significant importance and attract worldwide attention.

The China-U.S. relationship is the most important bilateral relationship in the world. Whether China and the U.S. can handle their relationship well bears on the future of the world.

Head-of-state diplomacy plays an irreplaceable strategic role in growing bilateral ties. Since February 2021, Xi has had multiple phone talks and meetings with Biden, aiming to steer the China-U.S. relationship along the right track.

During a virtual meeting with Biden in November 2021, Xi pointed out that the most important event in international relations in the coming 50 years will be for China and the U.S. to find the right way to get along.

China’s policy toward the U.S. is consistent, which is mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation. China is ready, on this basis, to explore with the United States the right way for the two countries to get along and take their relations steadily forward.

Last November, Xi and Biden met in Bali, Indonesia, and reached a series of important common understandings, which had profound impacts on China-U.S. relations.

The meeting identified a clear direction, that is, to prevent China-U.S. relations from getting derailed or out of control, and to find the right way for the two major countries to get along with each other.

It established a framework, i.e., jointly working out the guiding principles, or a strategic framework, for China-U.S. relations. It also kicked off a process, i.e., implementing the important common understandings reached by the two heads of state to manage and stabilize China-U.S. relations.

In recent times, the two countries have implemented the consensus reached by the two heads of state during their meeting in Bali, increased high-level exchanges and initiated a series of dialogue mechanisms, thus activating exchanges and cooperation in sub-national, non-governmental, and people-to-people levels. As a result, bilateral relations between the two countries have shown signs of stabilization.

The face-to-face meeting between Xi and Biden this time, a year after they met in Bali, will be of great significance for stabilizing and improving China-U.S. relations, and for the two countries in jointly coping with global challenges and promoting world peace and development. China and the U.S. “returning to Bali and leading to San Francisco” is in line with the common interests of the two countries and the general expectation of the international community.

The fluctuation of China-U.S. relations in recent years has proved that both countries should always adhere to the principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win-win cooperation. There have been and will continue to be differences between the two countries, but this should not hinder China and the U.S. from seeking common ground while shelving differences and pursuing win-win cooperation.

As two major countries, China and the U.S. shoulder special responsibilities and should demonstrate the broad-mindedness, vision, and commitment of major countries. Only by handling the China-U.S. relations with a sense of responsibility for history, for the people and for the world can the two countries continuously enhance the well-being of their peoples, promote the progress of human society, and contribute to world peace and development.

China and the U.S., as permanent members of the United Nations Security Council and the world’s top two economies, account for over 1/3 of the global economy, nearly 1/4 of the world’s population, and approximately 1/5 of global bilateral trade. They bear significant responsibilities for the peace, stability, and development of the world.

As the world enters a new period of turbulence and transformation, uncertainties, instabilities, and unpredictable factors are increasing. The international community universally hopes for an early return to the track of healthy and stable development in China-U.S. relations, which would inject stability, certainty, and constructiveness into the uncertain world.

In today’s world, coordination and cooperation between China and the U.S. are indispensable to the post-pandemic global recovery, the response to climate change, and the resolution of regional hotspot issues. The two countries jointly tackling global challenges is not only a necessity for world peace and development, but also a responsibility of major countries.

Given the profound changes unseen in a century, every responsible politician must answer the questions of the times and make historic choices with confidence, courage, and a sense of responsibility.

Both China and the U.S. should adhere to the principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win-win cooperation. With a sense of responsibility for history, for the people and for the world, the two countries should meet each other halfway and strive for sound and stable development of their relations.

SOURCE People’s Daily

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