Offshore renewables forum to deepen China-Europe cooperation

BEIJING, Nov. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — The 2023 China-Europe Offshore Renewables Development and Cooperation Forum will be held on Nov 20-22 in Yancheng, Jiangsu province, to deepen China-Europe energy cooperation, promote technological innovation, and advance industrial development in the field.

Themed “Strengthen China-Europe Cooperation on Offshore Renewables for a Shared Green Future”, the forum will be jointly hosted by China Renewable Energy Engineering Institute, European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, and the Yancheng city government.

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China's first Sino-French offshore wind farm in Yancheng. Provided to China Daily
China’s first Sino-French offshore wind farm in Yancheng. Provided to China Daily

Under the guidance of the National Energy Administration and the Jiangsu provincial government, the forum will mark the 20th anniversary of the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Europe, and will underscore the significance of promoting offshore renewables for safeguarding energy security, accelerating energy transition and combating climate change.

Given the ambitious goals set by countries worldwide for energy transition and renewable energy development, the highly anticipated forum will present invaluable opportunities for closer China-Europe cooperation and the flourishing growth of offshore renewables.

Representatives from Chinese and European energy authorities, energy companies, industry think tanks and research institutes, as well as relevant consulates and embassies in China, will attend and engage in in-depth discussions and exchanges on hot topics in offshore renewable energy to facilitate industry resource integration, and tap into the cooperative potential between China and Europe.

Rich resources

Yancheng, located on the eastern coast of China, possesses excellent offshore renewable energy resources and is hailed as the “Leader of Offshore Renewable Energy City in China”.

With its vast coastal resources and developed marine economy, the city is positioned as one of the regions with the longest coastline, the largest marine area, the most extensive tidal wetlands, the richest marine resources, and the greatest potential for marine economic growth in Jiangsu, and even in China.

With an average wind speed of over 7.6 meters per second at a height of 100 meters, Yancheng enjoys an impressive annual equivalent full-load hours of 3,000-3,600, which makes it one of the most favorable regions for offshore wind farms in the world.

The potential offshore wind power capacity in Yancheng exceeds 30 gigawatts, with approximately 9 GW in nearshore areas and 24 GW in deep-sea areas. These figures account for over 70 percent of the planned capacity in Jiangsu.

Yancheng also boasts abundant solar energy resources. The region receives annual total solar radiation of 1,400-1,600 kilowatt-hours per square meter and experiences an average annual sunshine duration of around 2,280 hours.

This results in approximately 1,200 hours of electricity generation utilization. The existing photovoltaic power generation capacity in Yancheng is about 30 GW.

By October, Yancheng’s installed capacity for new energy power generation reached 13,619 megawatts, with total installed capacity, wind power installed capacity, and photovoltaic installed capacity accounting for 22 percent, 41.5 percent and 10.7 percent of Jiangsu respectively, ranking first in scale in the province.

The city has been making great efforts to develop the new energy industry, with the aim of building a world-class offshore wind power equipment industry cluster, a national crystalline silicon photovoltaic industry cluster, a coastal green hydrogen energy industry cluster, and a Yangtze River Delta new energy storage industry cluster.

With 188 new energy industry enterprises generating sales of 138.3 billion yuan ($17.72 billion) from January to October, a year-on-year increase of 15.7 percent, Yancheng has become a thriving hub for new energy development.

The city is now home to renowned wind power equipment manufacturers and leading component companies. Its offshore wind power equipment manufacturing capacity accounts for over 40 percent of the national total, while its blade manufacturing capacity accounts for around 20 percent, making it one of the largest comprehensive bases for offshore wind power equipment production in the world.

International collaboration

Yancheng has placed great emphasis on international cooperation, especially in the field of renewable energy, and maintains an open attitude and cooperates on offshore renewable energy with European nations and other countries worldwide.

It has established the first Sino-French joint venture offshore wind power project in China. Its solar PV modules are exported to many European countries, including Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Poland and the Netherlands.

In 2021, Yancheng hosted the first China-Europe Offshore Wind Power Cooperation Forum. The city also received a visit from Francesco La Camera, director general of the International Renewable Energy Agency.

In 2022, the import and export volume of new energy trade exceeded 10 billion yuan. This year, the major leaders of the Yancheng committee of the Communist Party of China led a delegation to Europe as their first stop during the overseas visit, with a focus on matchmaking with European energy companies.

The ports in Yancheng have also become key players in the transportation of offshore wind power equipment. A total of 33 international and domestic shipping routes have been available as of 2023, and strategic partnerships have been established with two ports in Denmark.

Yancheng’s Sheyang Port has become the main channel for offshore wind power equipment transportation, while its Dafeng Port has built a dedicated yard for wind power equipment, making it one of China’s major ports for wind turbine blade exports.

Dafeng Port also holds the distinction of being the first port in the world to load wind power equipment for the Arctic route, achieving a record-breaking loading capacity and the highest number of blades loaded onto a single ship.

With an open and inclusive approach, Yancheng is accelerating its efforts to install 20 GW of new energy and achieve a 200 billion yuan industrial scale by cooperating with both domestic and international customers and friends.

SOURCE China Daily

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