ACI launches the #blindside campaign for road safety


On the World Day of Remembrance of Road Victims on 19 November, the Automobile Club of Italy promotes the value of responsible mobility on social media.

The awareness campaign for responsible mobility that the Automobile Club of Italy will launch on social media from tomorrow on the occasion of the World Day of Remembrance of Road Victims is called #blindside: “safety is a thin line… don’t cross it ” is the warning that accompanies images of car, motorcycle, bikes And scooters, crossed by the border – as decisive as it is subtle – between safe mobility and road accidents.

The contents are processed with the help of artificial intelligence, to stimulate the awareness of road users and facilitate the speed of propagation through digital channels. The hashtag #blindside is a strong reminder to respect traffic rules and be cautious towards other road users.

The term blind side refers to situations in which you might mistakenly think you can break the Highway Code without consequences. In the #blindside campaign, the connection between the blind spot of transport and the lack of attention while driving is crucial.

Inattention while driving can create dangerous situations similar to blind spots, where you are unaware of what is happening around you. The ACI campaign urges awareness of these “blind spots” in driving and our behavior behind the wheel.

“Education is the first strategic element in the policy of combating road accidents – declares the President of the Automobile Club of Italy, Angelo Sticchi Damiani – which in the last year alone accounted for over 3,000 deaths, 220,000 injuries and 18 billion in Italy euros of social spending.

With #blindside, ACI strengthens its social presence for safety: in the last five years alone, in fact, we have launched more than 40 awareness campaigns on Instagram, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, reaching on average over a million people in each of them”.

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