App created by the National Eczema Association helps patients and caregivers manage their eczema between doctor visits.

NOVATO, Calif., Nov. 20, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — The National Eczema Association (NEA) announced that it was presented with multiple top prizes from the eHealthcare Leadership Awards for its app, EczemaWise for the second year in a row. This year, EczemaWise received the Silver prize for Best Mobile App, Best Care/Disease Management and Best Email Content – Email Series. The award recipients in all categories were announced on November 6, 2023. In 2022, EczemaWise was recognized by eHealthcare Leadership Awards with the highest-level Platinum prize in the categories of both Best Care/Disease Management and Best Mobile App.

An estimated 31 million Americans of all ages live with eczema, a complex disease without a known cause or cure, and a lived experience that affects everyone differently. Eczema is also a chronic condition, meaning it needs to be managed over the long term and it can have a significant impact on a person’s overall well-being, as well as affecting sleep and mental health.

“We’re thrilled to see EczemaWise receive top honors again this year from eHealthcare Leadership Awards, and in multiple categories,” said Wendy Smith Begolka, Chief Strategy Officer at NEA. “We developed the app with input from the eczema patient community and physicians to help individuals better understand and manage their eczema and improve their quality of life.” 

EczemaWise allows adult patients and caregivers of any age patient to track eczema symptoms, triggers and treatments, log photos and read up on the latest eczema news and tips so they can feel more in control of their condition and engaged in their care. EczemaWise also facilitates shared decision-making between patients and physicians with tools that help patients prepare for a doctor’s visit and keep track of their eczema between visits.

EczemaWise is free and available as a web app as well as a mobile app through the Apple App Store and Google Play. Learn more and sign up at

About the National Eczema Association
Founded in 1988, the National Eczema Association (NEA) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit and the largest patient advocacy organization serving the over 31 million Americans who live with eczema and those who care for them. NEA provides programs and resources to elevate the diverse lived experience of eczema, and help patients and caregivers understand their disease, actively engage in their care, find strength in one another – and improve their lives. Additionally, NEA advances critical eczema research and partners with key stakeholders to ensure the patient voice is represented and valued in education, care and treatment decision-making. The eczema community is at an exciting juncture, with increased recognition of the seriousness and burden of eczema and a surge in scientific interest and development of new treatments. Bolstered by NEA’s strategic plan, Blueprint 2025, we are driving toward the ultimate vision: a world without eczema. Learn more at

SOURCE National Eczema Association

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